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Biden is doing his best to bring the debate about coward Trump to light




Biden is doing his best to bring the debate about coward Trump to light

President Biden put pressure on Trump when he told Howard Stern that he was willing to debate the ex-president.

Biden told Howard Stern when asked about his willingness to debate Trump, “That’s me somewhere. I do not know when. I am happy to debate with him.”

Trump’s response to Truth Social was absurd:

Crooked Joe Biden Just Announced He’s Willing to Debate! Everyone knows he doesn’t really mean it, but just in case he does, I say: EVERYWHERE, ALWAYS, EVERYWHERE, an old expression used by Fighters. I propose Monday night, Tuesday night or Wednesday night at my rally in Michigan, a state he is in the process of destroying with his EV mandate. Alternately, although he probably doesn’t know it, and so do I, he is in New York City today, stuck in one of the many lawsuits he has filed in election interference against a political opponent – ​​a continuing witch. HUNT! It’s the only way he thinks he can win. Let’s have the debate in the courthouse tonight – I’ll wait for national television!

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Although the corporate media tries to convince both sides of the candidates’ willingness to debate, it is Donald Trump who avoids debates. Trump refused to debate during the Republican presidential primaries. Trump forced the Republican Party to withdraw from the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates.

Trump has been making noise for years about not debating Biden in the general election.

Whatever comments Trump makes about willingness to debate now should be taken with a serious grain of salt, because Trump got away with not debating in the primaries, making him more likely to think he can get away with the same behavior in the fall.

Biden calls out Trump. Trump has been holed up in his club, coming to about one campaign event a week. If Trump wants to return to the White House, he will have to enter the debate stage and win the debate

If presidential debates don’t happen, it will be because Trump didn’t want them, or insisted they take place on his terms and be manipulated in his favor.