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Biden uses Trump’s own attacks on vets against him in devastating new video




Biden uses Trump's own attacks on vets against him in devastating new video

While President Biden is abroad celebrating the 80th anniversary of D-Day, his presidential campaign is destroying Donald Trump.

Read: The Republican Presumptive Nominee for President is A Convicted Felon

Here’s Biden’s new video highlighting what Trump thinks about vets and the fallen:

The video included the following quotes from Trump:

“Why would I go to [Aisne-Marne American] cemetery? It’s full of losers.â€

-Donald J. Trump

“He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who are not fixed.â€

– Donald J. Trump on Senator John McCain

“I don’t understand. What was in it for them?â€

– Donald J. Trump to the father of a fallen soldier


– Donald J. Trump on fallen Marines

“He knew what he was signing up for…â€

– Donald J. Trump to the widow of a fallen soldier

‘We’re not going to support that loser’s funeral.â€

– Donald J. Trump on Senator John McCain

‘That guy is smart. Why did he join the army?

-Donald J. Trump

“It doesn’t look good for me.â€

– Donald J. Trump on standing by wounded soldiers

“He presented me with his Purple Heart.â€

-Donald J. Trump

‘I’ve always wanted the Purple Heart. This was much easier.â€

-Donald J. Trump

President Biden stands with the troops and honors the fallen. Donald Trump has no respect for them or their sacrifice,
Trump also tried to steal congressionally appropriated funds from troops and their families as part of an effort to pay for his border wall.

Trump has never shown any understanding or inkling of curiosity for the troops and their sacrifices. The convicted criminal is unfit to be commander in chief.