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Biden’s ‘acting’ Secretary of Labor laughs at millions of Americans who think they were better off under Trump (VIDEO) | The Gateway expert




Biden's 'acting' Secretary of Labor laughs at millions of Americans who think they were better off under Trump (VIDEO) |  The Gateway expert

Julie Su is Joe Biden’s “acting” labor secretary because even though the U.S. Senate is almost half Democratic, she cannot win confirmation.

The liberal media pretends not to know this, or regularly omits this fact, and treats it as completely legitimate.

She recently appeared on MSNBC and actually laughed at the idea that millions of Americans thought they were better off under Trump, which of course they were.

Copy via Grabien:

SU: “I mean, I’m saying it’s a shame that some people are trying to spread a narrative of nostalgia for something that just wasn’t true. I say that – I mean, look at the numbers, right? The numbers don’t lie. You know, the last president kept talking about infrastructure week that never materialized. President Biden has delivered an infrastructure decade where we’re seeing projects, shovels hitting the ground in communities across the country, and it’s just – you know, it’s irresponsible to propose otherwise and, you know – I don’t know. what can you say about that (laughs)”

Watch the clip below:

Here are some Twitter/X responses:

It’s simply mind-boggling that members of this government can laugh at the pain they cause.