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Carol Burnett’s Daughter Accuses Comedian of Refusing to ‘Get to Know Who I Am Today’, Getting Shelved Despite Sobriety




Carol Burnett's Daughter Accuses Comedian of Refusing to 'Get to Know Who I Am Today', Getting Shelved Despite Sobriety

Source: mega

April 19, 2024, published at 9:45 am ET

Carol Burnett’s daughter Erin revealed her failed attempts to repair her relationship with the comedian as part of her lawsuit to see her son Dylan.

Erin filed an emotional statement as part of her plea to the court to reinstate visitation. If Carol and her husband first reported in 2020 Brian Miller submitted a request for placement Dylan under guardianship.

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Carol burnett daughter emotional plea court recovery visitation son dylan
Source: Handout

Erin’s daughter says she has been sober for almost a year.

The entertainer said her daughter struggled with addiction and had recently been placed in mental health care by authorities. She said her daughter was unable to care for Dylan. Carol said her grandson’s father did not have a suitable home.

The court approved the petition. Carol and her husband were appointed co-guardians until they hired a third party named Jodi Montgomery to take over.

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Erin received a visit from Dylan, but had to follow strict rules. She was not allowed to contact Dylan without permission from the court or the knowledge of the guardian.

A court-appointed attorney for Dylan accused Erin of breaking the rules. He said Erin “ran into” Dylan while he was spending time with his father. The three ate together. The lawyer said this was against the rules and demanded the visits be suspended.

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Carol Burnetts Daughter Erin Custody Son Dylan Visitation Suspended Rehab Blast Famous Mom
Source: mega

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The court agreed and ordered Erin to have no further contact with her son until a future hearing in August 2023.

As we first reported, Erin’s lawyer filed a motion this week demanding that visitation be reinstated. He argued that his client posed no danger to Dylan. Moreover, he pointed out that the hearing on the case had been postponed several times.

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In her statement, Erin explained that she was desperate to reconnect with Dylan. She said she had been sober since July 27, 2023, and passed a drug test last week.

She said: ‘I’ve had problems in the past. I take full responsibility for my actions that have caused an enormous amount of pain and suffering to my family members and friends who love me.”

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Carol Burnett, daughter Erin, pleads for restored custody visit, fights son Dylan sober
Source: MEGA


Carol Burnett

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Erin expressed her frustration that the hearing was postponed until September.

She said: ‘My son will then be 18 and move to New York to go to college. That would leave me without any contact with him and yes, he would move out of state and I would miss his very precious high school diploma.

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“I am hardly a danger to my child. I have been consistently tested for drugs and alcohol since returning from Hawaii and I work with people in treatment and I have to stay completely sober to keep my job. I love my job and I love being sober,” she said.

In the statement, Erin revealed her attempts to contact her famous mother.

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“I miss my son terribly, and I feel like this is a punitive situation caused by people trying to keep me away from my son until he leaves the state. No attempt has been made by any of my family members involved in this lawsuit to find out who I am today. I’m not the same person I was,” she said.

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Carol Burnetts Daughter Erin Custody Son Dylan Visitation Suspended Rehab Blast Famous Mom
Source: mega

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“I have consistently reached out to my mother to tell her how I am doing and while I respect and understand her decision not to be in my life, it is punishing for both Dylan and myself. I have a sponsor in AA and I also sponsor three women. “I am an active member of this 12-step program and I take my sobriety seriously,” she added.

Erin told the judge: ‘I can’t go back in time, but I can just move forward with positive, loving and down-to-earth breathing. my son is incredibly important to me and I’ve already missed so much precious time with him, and I just want to be in his life again, on our terms.

She ended up“I am not a danger to my son – especially not with controlled Zoom visits. I certainly am not a danger to him if I can attend his graduation ceremony. Dylan should be asked – not just a bunch of highly paid lawyers and a fiduciary paid to keep him away from me. Yes, I have had problems in the past, but that doesn’t mean my son should be completely taken away from me where I haven’t had any visitors in over a year. Visitation and detention should not be used to punish anyone.”

The judge has yet to rule on Erin’s request for an emergency hearing on the case.