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CNN reporter admits the truth about Trump’s Bronx rally, and it’s not what Democrats want to see | The Gateway expert




CNN reporter admits the truth about Trump's Bronx rally, and it's not what Democrats want to see |  The Gateway expert

After vague predictions from the establishment media and mocking social media posts from certain New York congresswomen, Donald Trump’s rally in the South Bronx was, by most accounts, a resounding success.

Despite dreary morning rain showers that portended a muddy rally, the sky cleared in time for Trump’s arrival, and a crowd estimated to number in the thousands, far exceeding expectations, gathered to cheer the former president supports.

(Law enforcement sources told the New York Post that the crowd was somewhere between 8,000 and 10,000 strong.)

Granted, several of those attendees came from out of state – or at least the immediate area – but not nearly as often as the mainstream media had predicted.

Even CNN, as seen in a snippet of reporting shared on social media platform X, had to acknowledge the truth about the rally’s demographics.

Kristen Holmes, the reporter on the scene, spoke Anderson Cooper as she covered the rally live.

The clip started with Cooper asking, “What was the crowd like and what kind of reaction did he get?”

“Well, certainly a bigger audience than I think Democrats would like to see, especially considering this is one of the bluest counties in the entire country,” Holmes responded.

She continued, “One of the things that was interesting to me is that the Trump campaign said they were going to use microtargeting to get people from the community to come to this rally.”

“I wasn’t sure what to expect,” Holmes added. “I’ve been to a lot of these rallies around the country, and there are often people who travel hundreds of miles to see Donald Trump, and they’re not necessarily part of the community.

“One of the things I found, though, was that there were a lot of people here who were actually from the Bronx.”

Now there’s an astonishing, albeit unexpected, confession from A CNN news reporter.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezthe inept Democratic representative for this region, and other Democrats had tried to spin a narrative that Trump and his allies would transport people from other cities and states solely to boost numbers.

And while there were many people from outside the local community — which is not unusual for any political gathering — CNN’s Holmes effectively dispelled the idea that the South Bronx wouldn’t care about Trump.

CBS News, as seen in a clip shared by conservative speaker Charlie Kirk, even noted that the rally “looked a lot like America.”

Admittedly, it was not possible to say exactly how many people actually came from the Bronx and surrounding areas, and even with this unexpected rise, Trump still faces a huge uphill battle to turn around deep blue New York.

If Fox news As noted in their story about the event, Trump won less than 16 percent of the vote in 2016, and about 20 percent in 2020.

This election cycle, however, Trump has gained more support from black and Hispanic voters, who have historically been a reliably Democratic voting bloc.

Moreover, even Axios had to note that this meeting was a sign of the ‘realignment’ within the Democratic and Republican parties.

This election cycle, the Democratic party has received more support from white suburbanites than the minority base they have counted on thus far.

Regardless of whether Trump wins this state or not, it was certainly an astonishing sight to see how overwhelmingly the state was Democrat local shows up en masse for the Republican candidate.

If even CNN had to admit that, then you know the Democrats are in trouble.

The real question is: how long will this last? Sleepy Joe Biden and his government to wake up to that fact?

This article originally appeared on The Western Journal.