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Conservatives Rally Around Brandon Herrara Before Congress After Texas RINO Tony Gonzales Smears Top MAGA Lawmakers As ‘Neo-Nazis’ And Racists For Not Voting To Fund Foreign Wars | The Gateway expert




Conservatives Rally Around Brandon Herrara Before Congress After Texas RINO Tony Gonzales Smears Top MAGA Lawmakers As 'Neo-Nazis' And Racists For Not Voting To Fund Foreign Wars |  The Gateway expert
It’s time to support Brandon Herrera for Congress!

Following Saturday’s vote to fund the war in Ukraine with $60 billion in borrowed money, Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX) took to CNN and didn’t hold back as he attacked some of his Republican colleagues in Congress.

Gonzales appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union” with host Dana Bash and discussed the recent passage of the multibillion-dollar foreign aid package and the possibility of House Speaker Mike Johnson being removed from office.

Instead of striking a diplomatic tone in favor of party unity, the Texas congressman blasted Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Bob Good (R-VI), making several false accusations about their political and private lives.

Here is a transcript of the exchange:

BASH: So you voted yes to the foreign aid package. At this point, given that it is still possible that Marjorie will push Taylor Greene to resign, to kick him out of the Speaker’s chair, are you confident that he can survive?

GONZALES: He will survive. Look, the House is a rough and noisy place, but Mike Johnson will be fine. I served in the military for twenty years. It is my absolute honor to serve in Congress, but… I serve with some real assholes. Matt Gaetz, he paid minors to have sex with him at drug parties. Bob Good supported my opponent, a known neo-Nazi.

These people walked around at night with white hoods. Now they walk around with white hoods during the day. Look, I wasn’t surprised that some of these people voted against aid to Israel, but I was encouraged to see, by a nearly 10-to-1 vote, that Republicans were supporting our allies on the battlefield.

BASH: Wow, okay, I have to say that the federal government investigated Matt Gaetz and those allegations and decided not to prosecute.

As you can see from the last conversation, even Bash was shocked by Gonzales’ comments.

After MP Gonzales’ objectionable comments, his main opponent was a conservative Brandon Herrera responded to his vicious attacks on Twitter.

Brandon Herrera: My failure as Congressman Tony Gonzales was mentioned on CNN this morning, calling Matt Gaetz and Rep. Bob Good Klansmen, and me a “known neo-Nazi.” This is the death spiral ladies and gentlemen. He has to cry about me to his liberal friends because the Republicans won’t listen anymore.

** You can support Brandon Herrera for Congress here.

Representative Eli Crane jumped in to defend his conservative lawmakers

Republican voters also rejected Representative Gonzalez’s smear.

And George Santos revealed Tony Gonzales’ determination to pass an amnesty bill for millions of illegal aliens in the US.
Gonzales is not a conservative.

It’s time we start cleaning the House and rid ourselves of their horrible RINOs. Maybe we can start by throwing Gonzalez out of Congress.

**Again – please support support Brandon Herrera for Congress here.