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DEVELOPMENT: Milwaukee Elections Director Claire Woodall-Vogg terminated from position | The Gateway expert




DEVELOPMENT: Milwaukee Elections Director Claire Woodall-Vogg terminated from position |  The Gateway expert

The city of Milwaukee will see a change in its election leadership ahead of the presidential election, as Mayor Cavalier Johnson (D) announced the resignation of Claire Woodall-Vogg, executive director of the Milwaukee Election Commission. Deputy Director Paulina Gutiérrez has been nominated to take over the role, after serving as deputy for more than a year.

The Democratic mayor gave no reason for firing Claire Woodall-Vogg.

The mayor issued the following statement:

“Paulina’s integrity and capabilities are ideally suited to this position. She will lead the agency at an important time when public scrutiny of the department’s work will be extremely high. I have confidence in her and I will ensure that the department has the resources it needs to fulfill its duties.”

President of Election Watch Peter Bernegger wrote on X: “laire Woodall-Vogg fired!!!! She is (was) the most corrupt elections secretary in Wisconsin. I took her affidavit in a lawsuit I filed against her as Milwaukee City elections secretary. She printed 64,000 ballots in the rear conference room of City Hall, Room 501. For the November 3, 2020 election. She had city employees and others (CTCL) fill out some of them on the 4th, 6th and other floors of City Hall. He then kicked out observers around 10-10:30 PM on November 3. Then, at 1:15 a.m. on November 4, large quantities of ballots were delivered. All illegal and unconstitutional – but first and foremost, the Liberals stole the 2020 presidential election.”

How did we get here?

The events leading to Woodall-Vogg’s termination date back to the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election. On the morning of November 4, 2020, then-President Donald Trump addressed the nation and expressed optimism after setting new voter turnout records located in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Trump led in Wisconsin by 120,000 votes, but warned of possible suspicious vote drops late in the evening.

Despite early indications, Joe Biden managed to overcome a 4.1% Trump lead after a sudden influx of ballots. Media outlets reported that, thanks in large part to Milwaukee, Wisconsin had an 89% turnout, something unheard of in U.S. elections.

Claire Woodall-Vogg also exchanged emails on election night, reportedly joking about “delivering the margin needed” to flip the state from a big Trump win to a Biden win.

In the email, the sender, Ryan Chew, from the election group, shared:

“Damn, Claire, you have a flair for the dramatic and deliver just the edge needed at three in the morning. I bet you had those votes counted at midnight and you just wanted to keep the world waiting.”

Woodall-Vogg then replied, “Lol [laughing out loud]. I just wanted to wait to say I’d been awake for 24 hours!

They laughed at her late night voting!

This email was sent around the same time that a still-unexplained drop of more than 140,000 ballots for Joe Biden was dumped in Milwaukee in the early morning hours.

Also, The Gateway Pundit reported in August that Milwaukee’s corrupt elections director, Claire Woodall-Vogg, provided daily voting data reports to Democrat Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein and private liberal organizations before the election on exactly who was voting. This happened in the run-up to the November elections.

The MacIver Institute in Wisconsin gained access to Spitzer-Rubenstein and Woodall-Vogg’s emails. Woodall-Vogg admits he turned over the daily reports to the Liberal groups.

Lost flash drive incident

At the center of the controversy was a lost flash drive containing crucial information about absentee voters. In the early hours of Nov. 4, Claire Woodall-Vogg realized she had lost her ride while heading to the Milwaukee County Courthouse to report the results of more than 169,000 absentee ballots collected in Milwaukee. The disk was eventually recovered by a Milwaukee police officer after it was found in a tabulator machine. However, the incident raised concerns about the integrity of the electoral process.

Sources within the Milwaukee County Police Department released the details Wisconsin now, which exclusively reported the incident. Woodall-Vogg wrote a letter to the Wisconsin Elections Commission admitting the loss of the flash drive but claiming the accident did not change the results of the election.

“A senior employee removed the flash drive from the machine and handed it to a Milwaukee police officer, who delivered it to me ten minutes later,” Woodall-Vogg explained in her letter. She added that the district attorney’s office conducted an investigation to determine the chain of custody.

Uncontrolled counting of votes

Woodall-Vogg came under further scrutiny after video emerged of her entering vote totals into a machine in the early morning hours without election observers present. This act was criticized for violating protocol, prompting allegations of misconduct.

Reporters FILMED the Milwaukee Election Commission totals in the wee hours of the morning, Claire Woodall-Vogg feeding the totals into a machine WITHOUT any election observers!

Since our reporting on The Gateway Pundit, Claire Woodall-Vogg claimed she was threatened.

The FBI and Milwaukee Police are investigating the claims. reported:

A wave of threatening emails and voicemails targeting the executive director of the Milwaukee Election Commission has drawn the attention of investigators from the Milwaukee Police Department and the FBI.

“I really sincerely hope you get what’s coming to you, fraudulent (expletive),” one voicemail read.

The threats were made against Claire Woodall-Vogg last week after an email exchange on election night was obtained and published on the conservative websites Wisconsin Spotlight and Gateway Pundit.

The Election Group’s Ryan Chew wrote at 4:07 a.m. on Wednesday: “Damn, Claire, you have a flair for the dramatic and deliver exactly the margin you need at 3am. I bet you had those votes counted at midnight and you just wanted to keep them. the world is waiting!”

Woodall-Vogg replied a few minutes later, “Lol. I just wanted to wait to say I’d been awake for 24 hours!

Since then the emails and phone calls haven’t stopped.

“We’re going to try you and we’re going to convict your piece of (expletive) (expletive) and we’re going to hang you,” one caller said.

A spokesperson for MPD said the emails are being investigated by the department’s Fusion Division. Woodall-Vogg added that the FBI is also investigating.

“I am very concerned about the messages for her personally,” Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett said Friday. “I am very concerned about the staff. There are concerns in the office today about some disturbing messages she has received.”

It is clear that we do not condone violence, nor do we call on our readers to commit any form of violence. We also believe in election integrity.

The fake news CNN brought water to Claire Woodall-Vogg, defended her and carried out the alleged threats on their propaganda network.

CNN claims our reporting was a lie that is completely absurd and inaccurate. We’ve attached all the screenshots and videos to our reports on Woodall-Vogg; Click here.