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Doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals are organizing for Joe Biden




Doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals are organizing for Joe Biden

The Biden campaign announced the launch of Healthcare Providers for Biden-Harris. The healthcare providers will organize other healthcare professionals to inform voters about their efforts in the 2024 elections.

Read about Ivanka Trump’s plan to return to the White House THE DAILY


The Biden campaign described what is at stake on health care in the 2024 election: “In November, health care is at stake. Donald Trump has vowed to “end” the Affordable Care Act, threatening to kick tens of millions of Americans from their health care plans and endangering more than 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions such as asthma and pregnancy. More than 2.8 million Arizonans, 4.3 million Georgians, 4.1 million Michiganders, 1.2 million Nevadans, 4.2 million North Carolinians, 5.2 million Pennsylvanians and 2.4 million Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions could could lose crucial protections if the ACA is repealed. Trump has vowed to go further by also undoing the Inflation Reduction Act, which would raise health care costs for middle-class families and seniors and benefit Big Pharma.”

Dr. Tyra Bryant-Stephens told reporters what’s at stake in 2024:

aAs someone who has witnessed firsthand the destruction caused by Donald Trump’s healthcare agenda, I couldn’t sit on the sidelines of this election. And as a Black woman in America, the stakes are so much higher.

Black communities have the most to lose under a second Trump presidency. Trump has hurt Black Americans every chance he got, and some of his worst transgressions have been his attacks on our health care. Trump’s botched response to COVID-19 disproportionately killed Black people. He attacked Obamacare, which increased uninsured rates in black communities. In the first two years of his presidency alone, 300,000 black Americans lost their health insurance. As bad as Trump’s first term was, a second Trump presidency would be even worse.

After coming within one vote of repealing the Affordable Care Act in his first term, Donald Trump is doubling down on his threats against our health care system and vowing, in his own words, to “end” the ACA if he passes the gets a chance. If Trump “ends” the ACA, the uninsured rate for Black Americans would rise and nearly double, and an estimated 3.1 million Black Americans would lose their health care.

Health insurers could deny coverage to the patients I treat every day. Children in disadvantaged, poorly funded communities who have asthma simply because of the environment in which they grow up. Let’s be clear what this means: Trump is openly campaigning on a promise to reduce health care coverage for Black Americans and increase their health care costs.

A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for ending the ACA. Trump wants to raise health care costs, kick millions of people off their insurance and end cuts to prescription drug prices. For nearly a decade, Trump has promised to unveil a better health care plan than Obamacare, but there is no plan.

Trump’s must go back to the bad old days when Big Pharma and health insurers won while everyone else lost.

Because Obamacare has been around long enough to become popular, some people think that, just as Roe was considered, it is a resolved issue, but Trump and his party do not consider it resolved. That’s why healthcare is on the agenda, and people should vote accordingly.

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