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Donald Trump denies that he is considering Nikki Haley for vice president




Donald Trump denies that he is considering Nikki Haley for vice president

Haley officially dropped out of the presidential race in March. “In all likelihood, Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee when our party convention convenes in July,” she said at the time. “I congratulate him and wish him the best. I wish the best to everyone who would like to become president of America. Our country is too precious to let our differences divide us.”

She did not support Trump. ‘I have always been a conservative Republican and have always supported the Republican candidate, but on this question, as she did with so many others, Margaret Thatcher gave some good advice when she said: ‘Never just follow the crowd, always make up your own opinion. own mind,” Haley explained.

“It is now up to Donald Trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond who did not support him. And I hope he does. At its best, politics is about bringing people into your cause, not rejecting them. And our conservative cause desperately needs more people. Now is his time to choose.”