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EXCLUSIVE: Polls show Kari Lake dominating in U.S. Senate primaries, but will Arizona’s rigged election favor Mark Lamb, who has “seen zero evidence” of election fraud? (VIDEO) | The Gateway expert




EXCLUSIVE: Polls show Kari Lake dominating in U.S. Senate primaries, but will Arizona's rigged election favor Mark Lamb, who has "seen zero evidence" of election fraud?  (VIDEO) |  The Gateway expert

A new internal poll from JL Partners, provided exclusively to The Gateway Pundit, shows Trump-backed Kari Lake still dominating GOP challengers in the July 30 primary for Arizona’s U.S. Senate seat.

However, it may be recalled that The Gateway Pundit and Cygnal Polling conducted a survey of likely Republican voters weeks before Kari Lake’s August 2, 2022 gubernatorial election in Arizona, which showed her leading the competition by double digits. Then the primary election shenanigans turned Lake’s race into a nail-biter.

When polls opened in Maricopa County, the printers were not working, and some voters were reportedly given slips of paper with a phone number to call. They were also told to go to another polling station if they wanted their vote counted. Some voters were reportedly told they had already voted.

The Gateway Pundit also reported that poll workers in Pima County were illegally trained to give Republican ballots to Democratic voters and to illegally elected officials in the 2022 primary for governor.

In Pinal County, where Lake’s closest competitor, Mark Lamb, serves as sheriff, polling places also ran out of ballots and voters turned away from the polls. Prior to this, Pinal sent a message 63,000 erroneous ballots for voters ahead of the August 2 primary.

Many saw these issues as a test run for the 2022 general election, with 60% of machines in Maricopa County failing on Election Day and other irregularities being discovered statewide. Kari Lake reportedly lost the general election by less than 1% to corrupt Democrat Katie Hobbs, who oversaw the election as Secretary of State.

Yet Lam, in a Congressional Homeland Security hearing, February 2023said Trump lost his election, and that he has “seen zero evidence” that election fraud had an impact on the 2020 election — even after the rigged midterm elections in which the primaries were riddled with irregularities and 60% of the machines failed in the general elections.


And how, Mark?

A source close to the Trump world told The Gateway Pundit: “Kari Lake is destroying Mark Lamb, who has been weak on crime and election integrity. Lake is Trump’s endorsed candidate, and Lamb is a pawn of the far left.”

It should be recalled that RINO Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, who oversaw early voting in Lake’s stolen 2022 gubernatorial election, Pro-Democracy Republicans dark money PAC aimed at eliminating candidates with a MAGA agenda And admits to voting for Democrats last election cycle. Richer also sued Kari Lake for defamation after she spoke out against him over the corrupt election and his serious conflicts of interest. Apparently he would like nothing more than to see Kari Lake lose.

Despite all these problems during Kari Lake’s primary for governor, The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Lake had made a huge comeback and that corrupt election officials stopped counting on election night after she became the clear winner. It wasn’t until August 4 at 7 p.m. that she was officially declared the winner, and they still hadn’t counted all the ballots. Lake was ultimately declared the winner in every Arizona county with just 4.9%, despite a nearly 12% lead in the polls.

Will there be a repeat of Arizona’s corrupt primaries in 2024?

View the results of the latest poll below:

Voice test April 2023 May-2024 Change
Kari Lake 54% 55% 1%
Mark Lamb 22% 24% 2%
Elizabeth Rey 0% 1% 1%
Undecided 24% 20% -4%
Pipe More +32 More +31 -1%
Kari Lake April 2023 May-2024 Change
Very favorable 51 46 -5
Somewhat favorable 19 32 13
Somewhat unfavorable 10 7 -3
Very unfavorable 15 11 -4
Heard of it, no opinion 5 3 -2
Never heard of it 1 0 -1
Total favorite 70 78 8
Totally unfavorable 25 18 -7
Net 45 60 15
Mark Lamb April 2023 May-2024 Change
Very favorable 22 32 10
Somewhat favorable 18 21 3
Somewhat unfavorable 5 4 -1
Very unfavorable 3 2 -1
Heard of it, no opinion 23 16 -7
Never heard of it 29 25 -4
Total favorite 40 53 13
Totally unfavorable 8 6 -2
Net 32 47 15

After the primaries, Lake will face radical left-wing Democrat Congressman Ruben Gallego in the General Assembly.

You can support Kari Lake’s campaign here.