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Google ignores 160,000 men who landed in Normandy 80 years ago and instead celebrates ‘Lesbian Chicana Activist’ on D-Day | The Gateway expert




Google ignores 160,000 men who landed in Normandy 80 years ago and instead celebrates 'Lesbian Chicana Activist' on D-Day |  The Gateway expert

Thursday marked 80 years since an estimated 160,000 soldiers stormed the beaches of Normandy to begin what would be the final blow to Hitler’s iron grip on Europe.

If you were looking Googling to acknowledge the event via one of the signature ‘doodles’, you were disappointed when you visited the far left company’s search engine.

No mention was made of the paratroopers entering during the night hours prior to what was said by the Supreme Allied Commander General. Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Google did not list those who died, those who lost limbs, and those who to this day have never been found after the fight against tyranny.

However, the company did honor Jeanne Córdova, a woman whose claim to fame was being sexually attracted to other women and then writing about it.

Google brought the anniversary of D-day “Celebrating Jeanne Córdova” with a cartoon image of the lesbian author and activist who died in 2016 at the age of 67 – far from German machine gun fire and in peaceful conditions Los Angelesaccording to the Wikipedia page the company pushed her as the best result.

Google noted on the ‘doodle’ that it chose Córdova because of its embrace of LGBT’pride” for the month of June.

“In honor of Pride Month, Doodle today celebrates lesbian Chicana activist, feminist and author Jeanne Córdova, who is widely known for her leadership in the LGBTQ+ rights movement,” the company announced.

Google invited people who clicked on the far-left political activist’s celebration to “learn more about her.”

The company noted that she once said, “It is the job of the young to push the boundaries of society” and that before she died, comfortable and far from mortar and artillery fire, she said, “It is wonderful to have a to have had a purpose in life.”

Apparently shouting loudly about one’s sexual desires is as brave or braver than stepping off the ramp of a Higgins boat and meeting up the MG42 and the rate of fire of 1,500 rounds per minute.

Googling further noted from Cordova:

“Jeanne cherished her families – both the family of birth and the family of choice – and found great joy in bringing people together around our dinner table, wherever we lived. Whether it concerns celebrating holidays or organizing political actions!”

The sacrifices of young men that literally ended the greatest campaign of suffering known to manor at least in the West, apparently do not conform to Córdova’s writings on lesbians, according to Google.

On June 6, 1944, 4,426 men died who also loved their families and who today usually wouldn’t be old enough to buy a beer where they stood – mowed down by German gunfire and bombs.

Those men stormed beaches held by a well-armed and entrenched enemy who had used more than three years of preparation to monitor every grain of sand for the Allies’ inevitable return to a continent that murders on an industrial scale.

Those who did not die were scarred for life physically, psychologically, or both, and many of them would never talk about what they saw.

They selflessly enlisted, fought, ended tyranny and came home to live a peaceful life and usher in the most prosperous era in history.

They put an end to the mass executions of Jews and gays. Those young men cornered a tyrant in less than a year, forcing him to choose to eat a bullet as he was captured and put on trial.

The actions of brave young men on June 6, 1944 changed world history and ended fascism in Europe – forever linking the ideology to large-scale death.

Eight decades later, they were honored by Big Tech with a slap in the face, when on June 6, 2024, Google chose to not only snub them for a woman who liked other women, but also with a banner featuring the text: ‘8 Ways to ‘Find Pride’ with Google.”

This article originally appeared on The Western Journal.