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GOP MAGA Heroes Join President Trump in Court, Then Give Strong Statements to Fake News After Thursday’s Democratic Lawfare Trial (Video) | The Gateway expert



GOP MAGA Heroes Join President Trump in Court, Then Give Strong Statements to Fake News After Thursday's Democratic Lawfare Trial (Video) |  The Gateway expert

President Trump was back in court Thursday in the Democratic Party’s latest lawsuit against the leading presidential candidate.

On Thursday, several popular Republicans in the House of Representatives and loyal Trump supporters joined the president in the courtroom in New York City.

These MAGA Republicans then spoke to the media outside the courthouse about the left’s disgusting abuse of the American justice system.

Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL), Bob Good (R-VA), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Eli Crane (R-AZ), Representative Andy Ogles (R-TN), Representative Ralph Norman (R-SC), Representative Mike Waltz (R-FL), Representative Michael Cloud (R-TX), Representative Diana Harshbarger (R-TN) to reporters about this abuse of the legal system.

It was great to see these courageous Republicans stand up for President Trump.

Representative Matt Gaetz: Owen didn’t lie. He lied to investigators. He lied to the judge who sentenced him. He lied to the United States Congress and committed these lies for his own benefit. As we talk about what we saw happen in that courtroom for the people’s own benefit, we would be remiss if we did not mention this corrupt judge, this judge whose own family makes six figures from the democratic politics that continues to illuminate. country, that a crime has been committed by President Trump.

Representative Bob Good: We see today how far the Democratic Party will go to try to rig and steal new elections. They tried it in 2020. They’re doing it again here in 2024 by trying to keep the nominee off the ballot, by trying to keep the nominee campaigning, by trying to financially ruin the nominee. We see that today. We have seen the Chief of Perjury, Michael Cohen, admit and admit multiple times that he lied under oath, that he committed perjury, and yet we have to believe his testimony as a key witness against President Trump.

This is yet another form of legal battle, attempting to steal or manipulate elections. You have a corrupt prosecutor, you have a corrupt key witness, you have a corrupt judge whose daughter is one of the top fundraisers for the Democratic Party, having raised about $100 million.

That’s the judge’s daughter. This is a sham process to hurt the nominee. It’s going to be the President of the United States, whether they like it or not, whether they want it or not? President Trump is going to be re-elected.

Representative Andy Biggs: Mr. Cohen repeatedly admitted that he lied. He repeatedly admitted that he did this for his own personal interest. That tells you everything you know about the lack of credibility of this case.

Representative Anna Paulina Luna: But if they had nothing to hide, and if they’re really honest about this, why can’t you be in the courtroom and see exactly what we see? Just because we’re members of Congress doesn’t mean we have any more authority than you do to know exactly what’s happening in that courtroom so you can follow it. I want to follow this up by saying this. It is no coincidence that Goldman, a member of the House of Representatives, oversees the Democrats, who are preparing Michael Cohen for his testimony, who is also retained as a client by the judge’s daughter. Doesn’t it seem dark to you? It is corrupt prosperity. It’s the prosecution of Biden, and Biden, you’re going to lose this election cycle.

Representative Michael Waltz: This is not justice. This is politics. It’s political warfare, and we see it happening in third world countries all over the world. I never thought I would see this happening in the United States of America.

Representative Ralph Norman: The fact that this process, look at the timing of it. Before the presidential primaries, before the conventions, with Donald Trump sitting here, their whole purpose is to keep him off the campaign trail so he can do what he does best. Do you know what their intention is? Their intention is to put him behind bars, and the American people will say no. I’m not going to put an innocent man behind bars. I don’t care what political fear they want to perpetuate. This is a kangaroo field, pure and simple.

Representative Lauren Boebert: The radical left wants President Trump to simply go away. If President Trump would just go away. This would all disappear too. They don’t want him to participate in this race. They know he is the number one candidate for President of the United States for the 2024 election, and they are doing everything they can to interfere in yet another election of yours. Well, I have news for the radical left and the gun-toting DOJ. President Trump isn’t going anywhere. He comes back for another four years. And we’re not going anywhere either. We are here to stand with him as he stands up for you, the American people.

Representative Diana Harshbarger: This is not persecution. This is a persecution. We have a two-tiered legal system in this country. If the former can be targeted by a woke and corrupt judge, then you can be targeted too. The Biden administration’s Justice Department is interfering in a case that should never have been brought in the first place. We have a judge who has a conflict of interest. We have a witness in the person of Michael Cohen, who admits to lying under oath from the witness stand. Look, if you ever wondered if there were two levels of justice and if the US government was being weaponized against its own citizens, wonder no more. You don’t have to wonder. The American people are not stupid. There are patriots in this country who want to know the truth, and we are here to support President Trump in doing just that. Well, we all know that the Biden team knows they won’t be able to win this election by doing the Biden basement tour again.

Representative Andy Ogles: A few days ago we saw Trump turn out 100,000 people in New Jersey. This is the contrast they don’t want you to see, and why we have a court with a corrupt judge and a convicted felon as a star witness who puts a gag order on President Trump so he can’t be here to touch and win. the hearts of the minds of the American people, which he certainly has behind him.

Representative Eli Crane: I was only in that courtroom for about two hours and I heard Michael Cohen admit at least six times that he lied. I mean, that’s what this is about. That tells you everything you need to know. This is the key witness, him and Stormy Daniels. The American people know what’s going on. You know what’s going on. You know why President Trump is here. Why is he here? Right there: political persecution. They can’t beat him. They can’t beat him, and everyone knows it. The polls show it now. They couldn’t beat him. They tried to take him out with the Russian scandals. They tried to depose him several times. The American people also know that he could have retired to Florida and lived the American dream.

It was amazing to see these courageous and honest representatives stand outside the New York courtroom and defend President Trump against this terrible injustice.

Through Midnight Rider and The War Room.