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Illinois to change the description of ‘offender’ in state law to ‘justice-affected person’ | The Gateway expert




Illinois to change the description of 'offender' in state law to 'justice-affected person' |  The Gateway expert
Senator Robert Peters of Illinois sponsored House Bill 4409 to change “offender” to “justice influenced person” in state law.

In a move that sounds like a parody, but unfortunately isn’t, a bill passed by both houses in Illinois yesterday would change the word “offender” in state law to “justice-affected individual.”

Illinois House Bill 4409 also adds representation from the Illinois Department of Corrections to the Adult Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board.

After passing both the House and Senate, it can now be sent to the governor for further action.

From the account:

House Committee Amendment No. 1
Replaces everything after the enactment. Amends the Illinois Crime Reduction Act of 2009. Changes references from “offenders” to “justice influenced individuals.” Provides that funds are distributed through a grant program (rather than the allocation of funds being based on a formula). Establishes the Adult Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board to oversee the Adult Redeploy Illinois Program, provide guidance, and develop an administrative structure. Provides that once all members have been appointed, the Board of Directors may exercise any power, perform any function, take any action or do anything in furtherance of its purposes once a quorum of its members has been appointed. Establishes specified membership in the Adult Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board. Provides that the Oversight Board, in addition to its other duties, shall establish a grant program (in lieu of developing a formula) for the allocation of funds to local jurisdictions for local and community-based services in lieu of commitment to the Department of Corrections and a penalty amount for failure to achieve the target of reduced obligations set out in the plans. Provides that awarded grant funds shall be administered by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, in coordination with the Oversight Board, and shall be consistent with the requirements of the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act. Provides that the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority shall provide administrative support to the Adult Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board.

Center Square reports:

The ARI program aims to reduce crime and recidivism at a lower cost to taxpayers through community services as an alternative to prison. Advocates said the ARI program has been successful in reducing crime and has eligibility requirements, requiring individuals in the program to be first-time offenders.

State Sen. Terri Bryant, R-Murphysboro, urged lawmakers to vote no.

“Over and over again, we change the name of how we refer to those who have engaged in criminal activity, and each time we make that change, every agency must make that change on all of their documents. Right now the Department of Corrections has gone through multiple changes and it costs thousands and thousands of dollars just to make a name change. Why is it necessary to change the name?” Bryant said Tuesday.


Republicans said the focus should not be on what they called the “poor perpetrator,” but rather on the victims of violent crime. State Sen. Steve McClure, R-Springfield, brought up how the Prisoner Review Board released Crosetti brand, the man who murdered 11-year-old Jayden Perkins the day after his release. He said Brand was not a person affected by the law, but rather an offender.

During debate on the bill, McClure pressed Senator Robert Peters, the bill’s sponsor, for a definition of what “justice influenced person” means.

Peters responded: “That means someone who has been affected by the criminal justice system and is an individual. We [in this bill] don’t mess with anything regarding the term ‘victim,’ we’re just changing the word ‘perpetrator’ to ‘justice-influenced individual.’”

McClure then asked, “So you’re changing where victims are referred to?” Will they be referred to as ‘criminally affected individuals?’”

Peters responded, “Sometimes we call victims ‘survivors.’ Survivors of violent crime, sometimes survivors of domestic violence. So we use multiple terms for many different people and for many different things.”

McClure responded, “So you’re saying the bill changes the word victims multiple times? Or will there be no changes at all to the word victims in the legislation? Or is the word victims not in the legislation at all?”

Peters replied: ‘Well, we don’t interfere with anything when it comes to the word victim. We just turned the perpetrator into a person who will be affected by the justice system.”


So are Illinois lawmakers push a bill to change “armed habitual criminal” to “persistent unlawful possession of a weapon.”

Senator Peters was a leading advocate for ending cash bail in the state.

The Gateway Pundit reported that Illinois became the first state in the US to completely abolish cash bail, which was a huge victory for criminals.