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Jamie Raskin embarrasses and exposes ‘political guy’ James Comer



Jamie Raskin speaks at Merrick Garland contempt hearing.

House Oversight Committee Member Jamie Raskin (D-MD) embarrassed House Republicans for their “pilgrimage” to court for Trump and exposed James Comer’s investigation as a fundraising ploy .

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What Jamie Raskin said

Ladies and gentlemen, in this special evening episode we resume the silly comedy-mystery series called ‘Comer’s High Crimes and Misadventures: The Hilarious Quest to Impeach a President Who Has Done Nothing Wrong’, an overtly low-budget but versatile series. -million dollar taxpayer-funded production that most Americans assumed had ended two months ago and everyone had completely forgotten about.

But tonight, with the cast and crew having just returned from a surprise trip to New York City itself, it’s clear that the show must go on!

Our originally scheduled performance was scheduled to take place today at 11:00 a.m., but it was postponed when members of the Majority chose to participate in a mass spiritual pilgrimage to the New York criminal trial of a Florida man, a convicted fraudster and rapist, because he is facing 34 felony counts of falsifying company financial records to cover up $130,000 paid to a porn star sex partner in hush money.

While some people rudely complain that House members should actually be here to vote on public matters and not force a last-minute change in the committee schedule, our colleagues throughout history have rightly demonstrated their fierce commitment to this clearly reformed issue. The devout and devout spiritual leader of Florida, whom many followers call the Messiah from Mar-a-Lago.

Of course, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jordan has fooled our GOP colleagues on Oversight in the meantime, making this exercise not only absurd, but utterly pointless and unnecessary. They have already allegedly held Attorney General Garland in contempt.

Now, when we last met on this issue, you will recall that the majority had still not identified a single serious crime or misdemeanor that the President had committed.

The committee’s impressive 3.8 million pages of documents and 80 hours of testimony from 20 witnesses provided nothing but overwhelming and definitive evidence that President Biden did nothing wrong.

So, desperate for a new storyline, the Republicans have come up with this astonishing new plot twist: they are now proposing to hold the Attorney General of the United States in contempt for giving the committee the information it requested, and is information that has absolutely nothing to do with their failed impeachment inquiry, or with any major crimes or misdemeanors.

True fans of the show will remember from previous episodes this plot where people are punished for adhering to committee orders, but this new episode where we don’t take yes for an answer sends us into strange new worlds of absurdity where no congressional committee has ever been. for.

The majority wanted to know what President Biden said in his voluntary interview with Special Counsel Hur. Perhaps an undeniable diamond lay in wait. The Ministry of Justice has therefore complied with the request. It has turned over the 250-page transcript of President Biden’s five-hour interview with the special counsel. We had a hearing about it in this committee. The special counsel came and there was nothing impeachable. If you had, you would have accepted Mr. Moskowitz’s offer and then voted for impeachment. it happened, but you didn’t.

Committee members – and hundreds of millions of Americans – need to read the full transcript and can read it right now if they wish. We can all find out what the president was asked and see how he responded to each question. ask.

But the chairman insists that this is not enough. He and the rest of America can clearly read the president’s entire interview, but he wants to be able to hear the interview. The book is not enough; he wants the audiobook. And because of this unnecessary and comical request, the entire group and the entire congregation are now attempting to hold the Attorney General of the United States in contempt.

Anyone watching can understand the ridiculous fallacy cleverly put into this new primetime special episode. There is clearly nothing relevant or material that our committee can learn from an audio tape that we cannot learn from the 250 pages of the transcript. The format of the medium does not change the content of the communication.

So in this absurd twist, our friends are now trying to blame Attorney General Garland for the spectacular belly flop of their own impeachment investigation and his devious attempts to obstruct the investigation by cooperating with it.

We know what obstruction looks like because the last president specialized in it

This president agreed to sit down for a voluntary five-hour interview with the special counsel investigating him.

Attorney General Garland turned over the entire 250-page transcript interview: That’s not obstruction.

The real impediment was that Trump and his administration refused to provide information requested by Congress in more than a hundred different congressional investigations and investigations. And I know this pleases the Gentlelady from Georgia.

The last president issued an edict ordering federal officials in his administration to categorically ignore and reject all congressional subpoenas. Do my colleagues remember that? Do they know that? He told them not to cooperate at all with any federal investigation by Congress. And we didn’t hear a peep from any of them. That was a real hindrance.

Real obstruction occurred when two members of this committee, who may be preparing tonight to vote to censure Attorney General Garland, brazenly refused to comply with subpoenas from the US House Select Committee to investigate the January 6 attack on the US Capitol the United States, and has still not responded to these subpoenas.

But now it appears, Mr. Chairman, that something has just dawned on me, that the whole obstructionist ploy may be a fundraising ploy, undermining the overwhelming legal integrity and impressive theatrical ambitions of this company. I was just handed a massive fundraiser. email request to your campaign that you sent this evening, Mr. Chairman, stating that “Biden and his advisors are terrified that I will release the recordings, forcing the media and Democrats to answer for the dismal decline of Biden’s mental state. […] This could be the final straw for Biden as there are swing voters across the country. […] The Democrats are doing everything they can to stop the bleeding […] Signed, James Comer, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee.â€


The original impeachment plan implemented when Kevin McCarthy was speaker called for an investigation into President Bident through the Democratic Convention, but was never impeached. House Republicans thought the impeachment inquiry would make such big headlines that they could use it to influence the presidential campaign.

However, the investigation never caught on outside of conservative media because Comer never found any evidence that Biden did anything wrong, so here we are.

Chairman Comer is trying to stall for time and try to prolong the impeachment inquiry with strange detours, such as disparaging AG Garland for providing information the committee requested.

James Comer has embarrassed the Oversight Committee, and his investigations have turned one of the most important committees in the House into a punchline.

The American people deserve actual oversight, not a community theater production for an audience of one ex-president.