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Joe Scarborough says Democrats are taking back the word freedom




Morning Joe talks about freedom and says Democrats are taking back freedom.

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough pointed out that Democrats are taking back the word freedom, and that the message is working with voters.

Scarborough said after a clip of Biden played in which the president spoke about the rights pursued by Republicans and their conservative majority on the Supreme Court:

The Democrats are taking back the word freedom. For years, the NRA supported freedom, voted for Scarborough, supported freedom, and voted for who they thought was right on gun issues. Now you have Democrats talking about freedom and I’ll tell you I’ve seen some focus groups where it’s really sinking in, where Libertarians are saying – Libertarians are now saying, wait a minute, this government can hardly do anything right in their opinion. Why on earth are we going to hand our bodies over to them to make healthcare decisions? In this focus group, that was a man speaking in a swing state. So this is about freedom and you see the freedom of women that, I think, also applies to a lot of men: if that could happen to the women they love, it could happen to them too.


If this election is about freedom, Republicans are in big trouble because there has never been a presidential candidate in modern times (since 1980) who has been as opposed to individual freedom as Donald Trump. The ex-president is opposed to women’s right to control their own health care. He has received support from organizations that want to ban IVF and contraception. Trump is against transgender rights and as president he is too weakened gay rights. Trump even wants to deport immigrants who have legally acquired rights in the United States.

Donald Trump is an enemy of democracy and freedom, and when Democrats say individual rights are up for a vote, they mean it. The good news for those who want to protect freedom and democracy is that the message seems to be getting through and working.