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Judge Cannon responds to Jack Smith’s second request for a gag order against Trump | The Gateway expert




From left: Special Counsel Jack Smith, U.S. District Court Judge Aileen M. Cannon and former President Donald Trump.
From left to right: Special Counsel Jack Smith, U.S. District Court Judge Aileen M. Cannon and former President Donald Trump. (@axios/X screenshot)

Judge Aileen Cannon responded on Sunday Jack Smith’s second request for a gag order against President Trump.

Cannon ordered Trump to respond to Jack Smith’s second motion by June 14, requesting a gag order.

Jack Smith must respond to Trump by June 21.

In a new blow to Jack Smith, Judge Cannon likely won’t rule on his second silence order until the end of June.

Jack Smith on Friday archived a motion seeking a new silence order against Trump in connection with his law enforcement statements about the Biden DOJ’s deadly force policy during the Mar-a-Lago raid.

According to previously released documents, armed FBI agents were prepared to confront Trump at Mar-a-Lago.

The FBI had a medic on site and identified a local trauma center for anyone “injured” during the FBI raid.

“Department of Justice law enforcement officers may use deadly force only when necessary, i.e., when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm to the officer or another person brings. ,” the document on the use of deadly force read.

Judge Cannon previously denied Jack Smith’s request to block Trump from criticizing law enforcement after it was revealed that Biden’s DOJ authorized the use of deadly force during the Mar-a-Lago raid.

Jack Smith requested a gag order late Friday evening, barring Trump from criticizing Biden’s rogue DOJ/FBI.

The names of the armed FBI agents involved in the Mar-a-Lago raid were redacted, but Jack Smith illegally tried to silence Trump anyway.

“The government is considering modifying the conditions of Defendant Donald J. Trump’s release to clarify that he may not make any statements that pose a significant, immediate, and foreseeable danger to law enforcement officials participating in the investigation and prosecution of this case .” Jack Smith wrote in his initial request for a gag order.

Jack Smith’s second motion, seeking a gag order, cited Trump’s Truth Social post.

Trump exercised his First Amendment rights on Saturday, doubling down on his claim that Biden’s DOJ authorized the use of deadly force against him.

Jack Smith’s secret documents case against Trump has been postponed indefinitely.