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Just words… Speaker Johnson: “House of Representatives Republicans Investigating Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Special Prosecutor Jack Smith for Targeting Political Opponents” | The Gateway expert




Just words... Speaker Johnson: "House of Representatives Republicans Investigating Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Special Prosecutor Jack Smith for Targeting Political Opponents" |  The Gateway expert
Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson on Fox News Sunday

House Speaker Mike Johnson joined Fox on Sunday to discuss House Republicans’ plans to investigate Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and Special Counsel Jack Smith for attacking political opponents.

It sounds like just more words from Speaker Johnson. We want to see action!

Shannon bream: Now I want to ask you about the verdict. Obviously you think it’s a mockery, as many people do. And I think there is a lot of fertile ground after the trial that the Trump team can use on appeal, but that will take time. In the meantime, there are some Republicans who are saying: You guys need to turn around and do the same thing. John, you write this. Republicans should bring charges against Democratic officials, even presidents. Only in-kind retaliation can provide the deterrence necessary to enforce a political version of mutually assured destruction. The other side, Peggy Newton, writing about how high the temperature is, says this: We need to slow down. We need to stop enjoying our hatred so much. We cannot continue like this indefinitely. Are you concerned that it will give the impression that Republicans are doing exactly what you accuse Democrats of doing, namely using the justice system for political purposes? If you follow John Hughes’ advice.

Speaker Johnson: This is what I believe, Shannon. Listen, we are the rule of law party. Chaos is not a conservative value, and we must fight back, and we will, with everything we have in our arsenal. But we do this within the boundaries of the rule of law. We believe in our institutions. We are conservatives and we are trying to preserve the greatest country in the history of the world, and its institutions are an important part of that. Our legal system is an important part of this.

So what we will do with our tools that we have in Congress and in the House of Representatives is we will use our oversight responsibility. We have already done that. You saw our Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan issue requests to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and the Chief Prosecutor, Colangelo, to appear on June 13 for a hearing before our Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, because that is what they have done.

And the purpose of the hearing is to investigate what these prosecutors at the state and federal level are doing to use politics and political retaliation in the legal system to go after political opponents of federal officials like Donald Trump.

That is something very important that we need to look into.

And we’re going to look at Special Prosecutor Jack Smith, who we believe is also abusing his authority. We have the funding flows, we have mechanisms to control that. We will do so within the limits of our jurisdiction. I think this can have the desired effect and show the American people that we will not tolerate this.

Shannon, eventually people lose faith in our justice system itself, and that is a serious threat.

Shannon bream: Okay, we’re running out of time, but I wanted to quickly ask you something that might need clarification. You said Friday that you believe the Supreme Court should intervene. You said: I think justice is in the court. I know many of them personally. I think they are very concerned. One of your critics out there, someone who covers the court with me, part of the Supreme Court press corps, Mark Joseph Stern, wrote this. He It is fascinating to hear the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives admit that he has had private conversations with several judges who expressed concerns to him about Trump’s conviction. I am sure that these judges have been excluded from any possible appeal to avoid finding themselves in a case on which they have ruled. I didn’t take your comments to mean that specific conversation, but I wanted to give you a chance to clarify.

Speaker Johnson: No, thank you. Of course I have not had any conversations with the judges. I just know their character, their personality. I know what they’ve said in the past. They, like us, are deeply concerned about the preservation of our justice system.

When you walk into the Supreme Court building, Shannon, you and I know that it is carved into the marble above the front door that the law means equal justice. They are concerned about preserving that idea. We all are because it is a necessary ingredient to maintain a Constitutional Republic.

That’s what I was referring to. I think they’re concerned about the use of courtrooms for politics and political retaliation. We are all. We all should be. Every American. That’s what I was referring to. I think deep down they worry about it, just like we do.


You can watch the full interview below: