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LIVE UPDATES FROM INSIDE THE TRUMP TRIAL: TGP Contributor Paul Ingrassia reports from the courtroom | The Gateway expert




LIVE UPDATES FROM INSIDE THE TRUMP TRIAL: TGP Contributor Paul Ingrassia reports from the courtroom |  The Gateway expert

President Donald Trump is back in court today for Alvin Bragg’s show trial in New York City.

The prosecutor has yet to define the alleged criminal act committed by President Trump.

Former Trump lawyer and serial liar Michael Cohen will be questioned by the defense today following his questionable testimony earlier this week.

Gateway Pundit contributor Paul Ingrassia attends the ongoing show trial today in New York City.

Paul is pictured here outside the courtroom today with Andrew Giuliani, before the show trial this morning.

Paul Ingrassia: is lining up this morning for the New York City Show Trial.

Paul Ingrassia: BREAKING: Matt Gaetz and other members of Congress are expected to appear at the courthouse today with President Trump.

Follow me on X for live updates from the courtroom!

Trump motorcade is currently on its way to the courtroom. The lines outside the courthouse today were the longest ever during this trial, as the press and public expect Trump’s cross-examination to continue today by Trump attorney Todd Blanche.