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Mexico’s left-wing president-elect rallies Latin American socialist leaders, while opposition candidates demand recounts, a new mayor is assassinated and the panicked market melts | The Gateway expert




Mexico's left-wing president-elect rallies Latin American socialist leaders, while opposition candidates demand recounts, a new mayor is assassinated and the panicked market melts |  The Gateway expert
President-elect Claudia Sheibaum (R) Late Mayor Yolanda Sanchez (L)

The Latin American left-wing network of leaders is excited by the victory of the ruling party’s candidate, Claudia Sheinbaum, in the elections for ultra-violent Mexican elections killing more than 28 candidates during the election cycle.

But the market reacted in panic as ongoing violence continues to claim the lives of political leaders, and the opposition demands a full recount of the problematic vote.

Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela, Gustavo Petro of Colombia and Lula da Silva of Brazil were quick to celebrate the victory, and the left-wing thugs of the ‘Puebla Group’ sent a delegation to meet with the newly elected president of Mexico.

The meeting included former presidents Alberto Fernández (Argentina) and Evo Morales (Bolivia), before a large delegation from the group of ‘progressive leaders’ (also known as socialist hackers).

Although the committed leftist Sheinbaum celebrated that Mexico is a “democratic country with peaceful elections,” that is now the case a request for a recount of votes by an opposition candidate, another mayor was murdered and the market crashes out of distrust of the new government.

Opposition candidate Xóchitl Gálvez, runner-up in Mexico’s presidential election, has announced that he has filed a petition to contest the election and demand a recount.

Galvez wrote on X:

“I know the results surprise us, and we have to analyze what happened. We all knew that we were facing an unequal competition against the entire state apparatus that wanted to favor its candidate. We were all struck by how much organized crime was present, with dozens of candidates being threatened and even murdered.

This doesn’t end here. Yes, we will present the challenges that prove what I say and what we all know. And we will do that because we cannot allow another election like this. Today more than ever we must defend our democracy and our republic. Checks and balances and the separation of powers remain at risk.”

Although the complaint about the influence of organized crime may be considered exaggerated, that is absolutely not the case.

CBS reported:

The mayor of a city in western Mexico was murdered on Monday, the regional government said, just 24 hours after Claudia Sheinbaum was elected the Latin American country’s first female president. Officials said the mayor’s bodyguard was also killed in the attack.

The state government of Michoacan condemned “the assassination of the municipal president (mayor) of Cotija, Yolanda Sanchez Figueroa,” the regional Ministry of the Interior said in a social media post.”

Sanchez was elected in 2021 and was shot on public roads, according to local media, with one journalist even reporting it. she was shot 19 TIMES outside a gym, during a drive-by by gunmen in a white truck who opened fire ‘from the moving vehicle and then escaped’.”

Sanchez’s bodyguard was also reportedly hit by the gunfire and died.

Dozens of candidates (and countless voters) have been killed despite the deployment of 27,000 soldiers and National Guard members to bolster election security.

Despite all this, it is perhaps not surprising that the market has reacted poorly – to say the least – to the continuation of left-wing rule in Mexico.

Bloomberg reported:

“The Mexican peso then fell for a second session an unexpected election victory by the ruling party has injected local political risk into one of the largest carry trades in the world.

The peso lost as much as 2.9% to 18.1936 per dollar at 11:45 a.m. in London, adding to Monday’s 3.8% loss, its worst single-day decline since June 2020. Mexico’s benchmark stock index fell 6.1%, the highest level since the pandemic began.”

Read more:

A left-wing ‘climate scientist’ and COVID pandemic hardliner, former Mexico City mayor Claudia Sheinbaum, elected Mexico’s first female president