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New bill in Tennessee requires gun safety courses to be taught in public schools | The Gateway expert




New bill in Tennessee requires gun safety courses to be taught in public schools |  The Gateway expert

Lawmakers in Tennessee have passed a new bill that would require gun safety courses to be taught in public schools. It now heads to the governor’s desk.

This would be a major victory for the Second Amendment and the people of Tennessee. If passed into law, it could also become a model for other states.

This would also be considered a win by conservatives who are tired of seeing public schools increasingly focus on “woke” social justice content instead of the basics.

Fox news reported:

Public school students in this state could soon be required to take gun safety courses

The Tennessee state legislature has passed a bill, now heading to the governor’s desk, that would require public schools to teach “age-appropriate” gun safety courses to students starting next year.

“We view this proposed legislation as a critical step in preventing firearm-related accidents while promoting greater awareness and responsibility among gun owners,” the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Chris Todd, a Republican, said at a hearing in February.

The Tennessee Senate passed HB 2882 24-3 on Thursday, after the bill passed the House in February. If signed by Governor Bill Lee, courses will begin in the 2025-2026 school year.

The gun safety classes would be taught primarily through videos and online resources and would teach things like firearm storage, school safety, and how to avoid getting hurt if a student finds a gun and how to notify an adult immediately if a gun is found. The bill specifies that the lessons “do not include the use or presence of live ammunition, live shooting or live firearms.”

Tennessee Democrats are obviously outraged.

Republican-controlled legislatures across the country should consider following Tennessee’s lead in this regard.