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New York Democrat Governor Hochul drew criticism after claiming black children in the Bronx don’t know what the word ‘computer’ means (VIDEO) | The Gateway expert




New York Democrat Governor Hochul drew criticism after claiming black children in the Bronx don't know what the word 'computer' means (VIDEO) |  The Gateway expert

It’s not racist when the Democrats say it.

New York’s Democratic governor, Kathy Hochul, said during remarks in Los Angeles this week that black children in the Bronx don’t know what the word “computer” is.

Hochul made the racist comments at the Milken Institute Global Conference in Los Angeles.

“What we have now is the money to build a phenomenal supercomputer that will be accessible to the researchers in New York, college students, which will attract more federal grants, and this is how we set the goal,” said Kathy Hochul. “No state has done this. In fact, I talk to many other people who say, “I wish my governor would have thought of that first.” I say, ‘No no, this is New York. We would like to be the first,’ with all due respect to you from other states.”

“It’s kind of our attitude. We will be the best, we will be the first, and I want others to follow because right now we have young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don’t even know what the word “computer” is. They don’t know. They don’t know these things,” Hochul added.


Kathy Hochul’s comments drew criticism from black lawmakers in New York.

Hochul told the New York Post she ‘made a mistake’.

“I made a mistake and I regret it,” Hochul later said in a statement to the New York Post. “Of course, black kids in the Bronx know what computers are – the problem is that too often they don’t have access to the technology needed to land good-paying jobs in emerging industries like AI. That’s why I’ve been focused on expanding economic opportunity since day one of my administration.”

Hochul sounds a lot like racist Joe Biden, who previously suggested that blacks and Hispanics are too stupid to figure out how to “get online.”