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North Korean ‘Rocket Man’ Kim Jon Un stops the ‘Excrement Balloon War’ against South Korea | The Gateway expert




North Korean 'Rocket Man' Kim Jon Un stops the 'Excrement Balloon War' against South Korea |  The Gateway expert

Against the backdrop of continued escalations from both sides ranging from a variety of psyops, spy satellites, multiple missile tests and military exercises, it appears that North and South Korea have at least reached a détente when it comes to one of the most bizarre events. elements of the conflict: the excrement balloons.

North Korea has reportedly agreed to stop flying hundreds of balloons carrying waste and manure to South Korea. ‘have enough experience with how unpleasant they feel’.

Associated press reported:

“The balloon campaign came as North Korean leader Kim Jong Un urged his military scientists to do so failed satellite launch and continue to develop space-based reconnaissance capabilities. He described these efforts as crucial to countering US and South Korean military activities, state media said on Wednesday.

The wire reported observers’ claims that South Korea was likely to restart frontline loudspeaker broadcasts to North Korea, criticizing the country for violating human rights while also broadcasting world news and K-pop songs.”

Kim Kang Il, a North Korean deputy defense minister, said the balloon activities were a countermeasure and retaliation against the South’s psyop balloons that undertake leafleting campaigns.

“We have allowed the ROK (Republic of Korea) clans to gain enough experience of how much discomfort they feel and how much effort is needed to remove the scattered waste paper,” Kim said in a statement carried by state media.

He also said that if South Korean activists send more anti-Pyongyang leaflets to North Korea via balloons again, they will resume flying balloons to dump waste hundreds of times more than the amount of South Korean leaflets found in the North .

According to the SK Joint Chiefs of Staff, the waste balloons had manure, cigarette butts, bits of cloth, waste paper and vinyl tied to them.

At the moment it does not contain any dangerous substances, but the possibility exists.

The South claims ‘only’ 1,000 balloons were launched, but North Korea says as many as 3,500 balloons were launched carrying a total of 15 tonnes of waste.

“Animosity between the Koreas is at its worst level in years as the pace of both Kim’s weapons demonstrations and South Korea’s combined military exercises with the US and Japan have intensified since 2022.”

The failed recent launch of the NK satellite was a setback to plans to launch three more military spy satellites in 2024.

Pyongyang says it has the right to launch satellites and test missiles in the face of US-led military threats.

Sputnik reported:

These garbage balloon attacks come after the South Korean pro-democracy group Fighters for a free North Korea have waged a significant balloon-based campaign of psychological warfare.

“The group is reportedly affiliated with the U.S. Department of State’s National Endowment for Democracy and the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor.

Just last month, the organization boasted that it had sent 20 large balloons north containing 300,000 flyers and 2,000 USB storage drives.

The contents of the balloons have traditionally ranged from flash drives with South Korean and Hollywood films and K-pop music on them to brochures, transistor radios, candy bars, mini Bibles and dollar bills. But North Korea has also expressed concerns that the balloons could carry other things, such as viruses.”

North Korea’s waste balloon warfare campaign signals that Pyongyang will no longer accept these tactics.

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