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Participation Trophy Warning: Actor John Leguizamo Takes Out Full-Page Ad in NY Times Urging Emmy Voters to Choose Non-White Candidates | The Gateway expert




Participation Trophy Warning: Actor John Leguizamo Takes Out Full-Page Ad in NY Times Urging Emmy Voters to Choose Non-White Candidates |  The Gateway expert
John Leguizamo/Image @JohnLeguizamo/Instagram

Far-left actor John Leguizamo took out a full-page ad in the Sunday edition of The New York Times urging Emmy voters to choose “non-white nominees.”

Leguizamo shared photos of the ad on That’s why I placed this ad in the NYTimes. White people make up only 58.9% of the population, but are overrepresented in top positions across the board. They are the decision makers in technology, banking, corporations, medicine and streamers and Hollywood! America is better when it is inclusive. It’s more profitable. It’s more creative! Let’s not give up. I’m still awake! Are you?”

The letter, which capitalizes every race except the one he despises, reads:

Dear Hollywood,

Please let this be the year we finally embrace change. The year we truly find Equity and see artists of color represented in not just one category, but ALL categories.

I know you’re tired of hearing words like “inclusivity” and “diversity” as you try to understand how to put actions behind these feelings.

Search no further! There are hundreds of prolific non-white artists who deserve to be considered for awards this year, not because they are simply black, brown, indigenous, or Asian, but because they are truly great… exceptional artists who capture that greatness with one foot on the ground have reached their necks for far too long.

Let this be the beginning of a new era.

Let’s not continue to whitewash our Awards shows. Instead, let this year be the catalyst that inspires the next generation of minority and underrepresented artists… a generation that just might see and think a reflection of itself on that stage….

“If they can do it, maybe I can too….”

Your colleague,

John Leguizamo

In April, Leguizamo had an epic meltdown that ended with him destroying a piñata after discovering that President Trump is making gains with Hispanic voters.

Credit: Daily Show YouTube screenshot