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Peter Sweden – IT’S HAPPENING: Britain REFUSES to sign the WHO pandemic treaty | The Gateway expert




Peter Sweden - IT'S HAPPENING: Britain REFUSES to sign the WHO pandemic treaty |  The Gateway expert
Peter Imanuelsen outside the UN headquarters in Geneva. Image: courtesy of Peter Imanuelsen

This article was written by Swedish independent journalist Peter Imanuelsen, also known as PeterSweden. You can follow him on
This is great news for freedom and sovereignty.

I recently reported on how this was watered down in the latest draft of the WHO pandemic treaty.

Now it is being reported that Britain is REFUSING to sign the World Health Organization pandemic treaty and that they will do so. don’t sign any form of the treaty that undermines British sovereignty.

That’s great news.

However, the reason they are against the treaty is that countries will be required to give away 20% of pandemic-related health products. In other words: things like vaccines, medicines and protective equipment such as face masks.

In other words, it is essentially a form of global communism.

Because that’s what it is. The WHO consists of a bunch of unelected elites who want to control your life.

Did you know that Dr. Tedros, the leader of the WHO, actually worked for a communist junta under the regime of a Marxist dictator in Ethiopia.

The current WHO leader also joined the TPLF party at the time, which started as a communist party.

So the leader of the WHO has a communist background and is here telling people how to live their lives?

Rich countries will be forced to give away medicines and equipment and give them to the WHO.

So what about the other parts of the treaty, such as the fact that the WHO could come up with ‘recommendations’ for countries to implement lockdowns or vaccinations? That was fine, but giving away medicines and vaccines to the WHO was a step too far?!

But it is a good thing that a major country will now refuse to sign the treaty in its current form.

Britain has said it will demand that any pandemic treaty must respect national sovereignty.

Could this be the beginning of the failure of the WHO pandemic treaty?

How many other countries could join in rejecting this, following in Britain’s footsteps?

This is a huge development and I will be keeping an eye on what happens next. Make sure you stay subscribed and you’ll get my updates as they happen!

Independent journalist Peter Imanuelsen has dedicated years to reporting the things the mainstream media ignores. You can follow him on