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POLL: Most voters think Biden’s mental decline is real | The Gateway expert




POLL: Most voters think Biden's mental decline is real |  The Gateway expert

New polling from Rasmussen Reports shows that a majority of likely voters believe Joe Biden’s mental decline is real.

The Democrats and the media have tried so hard to make the public believe that Biden is perfectly fine and functioning perfectly – while he sits behind closed doors and no cameras are rolling. They actually want you to believe that Biden only seems to be malfunctioning when you can see and hear him.

The problem for the left is that people are not stupid. People can see Biden and they know he is in decline because it is obvious to even the most casual observer.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Voters agree: ‘Biden’s mental decline is real’

President Joe Biden’s awkward appearance at Monday night’s Juneteenth jive at the White House could bolster new polling about voters’ concerns that he is in rapid decline.

Standing stiffly amid a line of aides and key Black leaders clapping and dancing to music on the South Lawn, Biden demonstrated what Rasmussen Reports found in its latest poll of likely voters.

“Most voters think Biden’s mental decline is real,” the newspaper headlined in its latest survey.

Biden’s health is increasingly being exposed by social media accounts documenting his slurred statements and frequent clumsy facts. The latest trend is to compare his speeches from a few years ago with today.

In his poll, Rasmussen found that 57% believe Biden is losing his mental edge. Even a third of Democrats agreed that “President Joe Biden is becoming less and less mentally sharp,” as did half of Hispanic and Black voters.

You’d have to be blind not to notice Biden’s problems.

In 2017, Democrats and the media repeatedly invoked the 25th Amendment, claiming that Trump had mental problems and was unfit to hold office. Now the same people are defending an obviously disabled Biden. It is awesome.