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Prosecutors in Trump cases are scrutinized in new documentary | The Gateway expert




Prosecutors in Trump cases are scrutinized in new documentary |  The Gateway expert
Image: Wikicommons

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Guest by post by Bob Unruh

A new documentary is being released by the organization behind the American greatness website, next week on April 17, exposes the “four corrupt, politically motivated” prosecutors now pursuing cases against President Donald Trump.

The narrator of “Chasing Trump” explains, “They say they enforce the law. But upon closer examination it appears that politics of the very worst kind is designed to influence the 2024 elections.”

He quotes: “Four corrupt, politically motivated prosecutors. One target: Donald Trump.”

The trailer:

“Can there be any doubt that there is a sense of ‘This is getting Trump?’”

The video documentary comes just as a lawsuit begins in which leftists claim Trump violated company rules with a nondisclosure agreement, a common practice in business transactions.

In fact, the facts of the case were reviewed and then dismissed for lack of evidence of wrongdoing, before the case was revived and converted to a misdemeanor case.

A Daily Mail commentary said: “Trump allies will step up their attacks on prosecutors investigating the former president next week, with the launch of an online documentary accusing them of political activism and electioneering.”

“’Chasing Trump’ is an important documentary that exposes the left-wing prosecutors who are arming the government to attack my father,” Donald Trump Jr. told “It is the first documentary to delve deeply into the backgrounds of the prosecutors behind the four cases against him and is a must-see for anyone who cares about preserving the rule of law and protecting our constitutional rights.”

Among the subjects is Manhattan prosecutor Alvin Bragg, who has drawn up a list of 34 charges against Trump over that non-disclosure agreement.

Another subject is Fani Willis, a Georgia prosecutor who is bringing an organized crime case against Trump and a dozen others for their comments after the 2020 presidential election, which were in fact subject to multiple excessive influences that likely benefited Joe Biden . Willis has been accused of racism in the case, and a judge has already confirmed that she had the appearance of a conflict of interest for hiring her lover to work on her anti-Trump allegations.

Then there’s special counsel Jack Smith who claims Trump committed crimes by keeping documents from his presidency in his home after he left office. Another special counsel found that Joe Biden was essentially in the same position, but recommended against filing charges because of his clearly “diminished” capacity.

Finally, there’s New York Attorney General Letitia James, who campaigned on a promise to “get Trump” even without any accusations of wrongdoing. She found a judge who agreed with her agenda and declared Trump guilty of fraud before the trial, which was only intended to determine damages. The judge, Arthur Engoron, then fined Trump $454 million in the case in which there were no victims, no one lost money and no one filed complaints.

The Mail explains that the documentary “claims that Trump is being punished for assuming the status quo and repeats his constant refrain that he is subject to a witch hunt.”

Even the judges in the cases cannot escape criticism, and one, Juan Merchan, who is hearing one of the cases, has a daughter and is an activist who benefits financially from her work for Kamala Harris and others who have attacked Trump.

The report said “Chasing Trump” is the first in a series produced by American Greatness.

The documentary will be released on a number of streaming sites, including Rumble and X.

Curt Mercadenta, editor-in-chief of American Greatness, explained to the Mail that the video will shock anyone “who believed that the justice system was free of partisan political considerations.”

“As the 2024 election heats up, it is imperative that Americans have the opportunity to learn more about the truth behind the prosecutions against President Trump, along with the partisan prosecutors behind the cases,” he explained.

And Mike Davis of the Article III Project said, “These four prosecutions against President Trump are nothing more than partisan political activism disguised as the rule of law.”

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