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Protester shouts down coup plotter Steve Bannon




Steve Bannon swears revenge after getting sentenced to four months in prison

As Steve Bannon raged outside the courthouse trying to avoid jail, a protester told him his coup was failing and he would be going to jail.

Read: The Republican Presumptive Nominee for President is A Convicted Felon

Bannon did his best to pivot after it was determined he had to report to jail by July 1, telling reporters, “There’s nothing that can silence me and nothing that can silence me.” There is no prison built – there is no prison built or prison built that will ever silence me. We’re going to win this, win at the Supreme Courtand more importantly: we are going to win on November 5.”

One protester shouted at Bannon: “Your coup has failed. You’re going to jail.”


Steve Bannon is likely to go to prison this summer. He is unlikely to be released from prison before Election Day. Bannon’s Chinese money man has been charged with money laundering and bank fraud. Bannon will also face a state fraud trial for his alleged defrauding of Trump supporters out of money to “build the wall.”

Bannon is another example of an associate of convicted felon Donald Trump who ends up wasting time. Voters can tell a lot about a candidate from the company they keep, and in the case of Donald Trump, that company indicates criminal enterprise.