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Rachel Maddow slams Trump for falling asleep in court




Rachel Maddow calls Trump buffoonish.

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow slammed Trump, calling him “buffetish” for falling asleep during his criminal trial.


Maddow said:

I don’t know if he was sleeping. It’s possible he was meditating or just resting his eyes or something. Don’t know. But like those are the headlines, you know, on the front page of the front page of the New York Times of The Washington Post, the front page of the front page of the Huffington Post of multiple news outlets coming out of this today, where Trump seemed to be asleep fall the first day of his trial. They stick. I mean, I know this isn’t the most important thing legally, but we’re in the middle of a campaign and you know, the age issue is the number one thing that the Trump campaign wants to use against his opponent, the whole sleepy Joe thing. This is, like you said, Ari, this is the most historic thing Donald Trump has ever done. No president has ever done that, no former president has ever done that
been a criminal defendant and on the first day the headlines came out or he seemed to fall asleep.

And to me that’s just insane. It also reminds us of how, how, how scary, how scary and, and, and somber and important. This means we’re also dealing with someone who is just fundamentally a buffoon, and this will be as much a reminder of that as it is of all the more serious things at stake here. You know, this is a man, that is, we have already reported today one alleged mistress and the other alleged mistress and the doorman making the accusations about the alleged love child with the third alleged mistress. And I mean, and the point of this isn’t who he slept with. At the heart of this is his alleged criminal conspiracy with the National Enquirer.

I mean, this is really a fundamentally clownish person, and this is going to center that in the minds of the American people in a way that you know would have kept him awake in the courtroom today, maybe could have been distracting. But this is what we have. You go to the elections with the candidates, you did that.

Rachel Maddow was right. Falling asleep in court will do Trump lasting political damage. It will stick in the minds of voters and be the most important lesson from day one of his trial.

Trump is a buffoon, but he is a dangerous buffoon who wants to destroy American democracy.

The case itself should remind people of all the crime, drama and chaos that Trump brings with him wherever he goes.

America tried a crazy Trump presidency, and the result was a collapsed economy and a million deaths due to a botched response to the presidential pandemic.

Whenever Donald Trump gets anywhere close to power, things get worse for ordinary people, and his nap in the courtroom is one of the many reasons why Trump should not be returned to the White House.

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