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REPORT: Democrats starting to get nervous about Biden’s chances in Pennsylvania | The Gateway expert




REPORT: Democrats starting to get nervous about Biden's chances in Pennsylvania |  The Gateway expert
Joe Biden drops out of Pennsylvania rally – thinks he’s running for Congress.

Pennsylvania is an extremely important swing state. That was true for Trump in 2016 and for Biden in 2020. The Democrats see it as a state that Biden must win in 2024, but some recent polls are starting to make them sweat.

If old “Scranton Joe” can’t pull off a victory there in November, Democrats think the entire “blue wall” will fall apart, and for once they’re probably right.

It won’t be a surprise that Democrats will increase ad spending there in the coming months.

The hill reports:

Pennsylvania presents problems for ‘Scranton Joe’

President Biden goes by “Scranton Joe,” he often refers to Pennsylvania in speeches and his campaigns have spent millions of dollars on political ads there.

In 2020, the president set up his campaign headquarters in Philadelphia — before the COVID-19 pandemic — and visited the state more than any other battleground state that cycle…

But now some Democrats say it’s a state that could crack Biden’s blue wall.

They point to a pair of recent polls that show former President Trump with a narrow lead — meaning a near tie.

But what worries them is not the top numbers, but the erosion taking place within the Democratic base.

A New York Times/Siena College/Philadelphia Inquirer poll earlier this month found that Biden’s support among young voters in the state has fallen from 62 percent to 47 percent since 2020. And his support from black and Hispanic voters has also fallen from 71 percent to 57 percent.

A recent Cook Political Report poll shows Trump with a three-point lead over Biden in Pennsylvania.

Democrats are right to be concerned. Trump has already won here once and he can certainly do so again.