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Republicans AND Democrats describe Biden’s cognitive decline in shocking new story: ‘not the same person’ | The Gateway expert




POLL: 54 percent of Democrats want Joe Biden to be replaced by someone else |  The Gateway expert

Joe Biden’s cognitive decline in recent years has been completely obvious to the American people, but the Democrats and the media have tried very hard to mislead the public.

People like Jen Psaki and Karine Jean-Pierre tried to sell the idea that Biden was as mentally sharp as ever behind closed doors.

That narrative is quickly slipping away as we get closer to the election.

In a shocking new story from the Wall Street Journal, both Republicans and Democrats are claiming that Biden is not the man he once was. The WSJ story is behind a paywall, but the New York Post has details:

Biden shows signs of decline as police and aides describe 81-year-old’s declining cognitive fitness: ‘Not the same person’

President Biden’s cognitive decline is clearly visible and a concern for dozens of people who have had contact with the 81-year-old commander-in-chief in recent months, according to a shocking report Tuesday.

Some of the 45 Republican and Democratic lawmakers and staffers interviewed by the Wall Street Journal described a president who spoke so softly during meetings that participants had difficulty hearing him.

Others noted that Biden’s demeanor and understanding of policy details varied from day to day and that he often relied on notes and deferred to aides during conferences.

“You couldn’t be there and not feel uncomfortable,” one person, who met the president during critical negotiations over Congress’ funding for Ukraine aid in January, told the newspaper…

Biden “wandered,” mumbled and his ability to command the chamber varied from day to day during tense negotiations over raising the debt ceiling last May, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-California) recalled.

Again, none of this is news to the public. People have looked at Biden in recent years and been surprised that Democrats and the media have tried to pretend that the man is doing just fine. He’s not doing well.

It’s clear to everyone that he’s not quite there.