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Ron Paul Tells Tucker Carlson That Sixty Years Ago ‘There Was a Coup and We Lost Our Government’




Ron Paul Tells Tucker Carlson That Sixty Years Ago 'There Was a Coup and We Lost Our Government'

Screenshot/Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson still has a larger audience on X, formerly Twitter, than on Fox News. Millions watch his videos. His latest episode is an interview with the greatest libertarian of our time: Ron Paul.

As a libertarian, Paul obviously believes in limited government and self-government. But this is something the former Texas congressman no longer believes Americans have.

Paul even told Carlson that the day “we lost our government” was assassinated by President John F. Kennedy almost sixty years ago.

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Ron Paul points to the day Americans lost their government

Of the many things they discussed, Paul told Carlson bluntly in their interview, “The republic is gone.”

Paul explained: “The date I saw that it was concrete that a coup took place and that we lost our government was November 22.”

He was referring to November 22, 1963, the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

“That was 60 years ago and our legislators never talk about it,” Carlson responded.

By Mediaite: “Paul believes the CIA was directly responsible for the assassination. He says he saw the death of the “republic” when former CIA director Allen Dulles was allowed to serve on the controversial Warren Commission, which investigated Kennedy’s death. Dulles resigned earlier in 1961 after reports of tensions with Kennedy.”

“The republic is gone,” Paul recalled of his reaction to Dulles’ appointment.

The story continued:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has also theorized that the CIA was behind his uncle’s death.

Paul said he remains an “optimist” despite his conviction about this coup within the US government and his dissatisfaction with the composition of Congress. The congressman said he is encouraged by the amount of “study” people have done on systems like the Federal Reserve over his career. Paul wrote a book called End the Fedand the short phrase became a key part of his career as he railed against the “fiat money” pushed by the Fed.

“I tell people you’re not going to get 12, 24 or even 100 new members of Congress. The system is so embedded in bankruptcies and corruption that it’s not going to work, but I’m still an optimist,” he said.

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The wise libertarian

Paul has arguably done more than any other political figure to raise public awareness about the Federal Reserve and what that institution is doing to devalue American money. It’s something Americans may be paying more attention to now as inflation continues to rise.

Ron Paul clearly thought that the turning point where Americans lost control of their country was when JFK was assassinated.

It’s hard to argue that he might have a point.

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