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Rumors are swirling after Judge Clarence Thomas, 75, is mysteriously absent from the Supreme Court




Rumors are swirling after Judge Clarence Thomas, 75, is mysteriously absent from the Supreme Court

Rumors swirled online this week after Justice Clarence Thomas was mysteriously absent from the Supreme Court while oral arguments were in progress, can report.

Judge Thomas, 75, was mysteriously absent from Supreme Court oral arguments on Monday. The court gave no reason for his sudden absence.

While Chief Justice John Roberts acknowledged Judge Thomas’ absence and confirmed that Thomas “not on the couch today‘, he couldn’t give a reason why.

Chief Justice Roberts also confirmed that Thomas would “fully participate” in the two cases argued Monday through briefs and transcripts of that day’s proceedings.

A court spokesperson also reportedly did not give a reason why Thomas was not on the bench Monday NBC News.

Thomas’ absence sparked much speculation online — especially since the Supreme Court justice is the oldest of the court’s nine sitting members.

“A disease perhaps?” one excited X user wrote under an article confirming Thomas’ mysterious absence on Monday.

“Go into the light, Clarence,” another user joked. “There is peace and serenity in the light.”

“Good, I hope he has to leave the Court,” a third person responded.

Meanwhile, others criticized Thomas for his mysterious absence from the Supreme Court on Monday.

“If you work at Taco Bell and don’t show up for your shift and don’t explain your absence, you will be fired,” one person tweeted after Thomas failed to appear for the day’s oral arguments.

“I would love to have a job where I don’t show up to work, still get paid and still have a job,” a second person tweeted.

‘He’s on a fishing trip with Harlan Crow And Leonard Lion,” someone wrote.

“All costs paid Holiday?” joked another.

“Vaca time coming soon enough,” another X user tweeted. “He must be terribly busy researching exotic locations, reserving yachts and cabins, booking reservations, and caring for and feeding the billionaires who make it all possible. Frankly, I’m surprised he has time to work at all.’