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Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne’s jewelry collection was stolen FOUR TIMES




Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne's jewelry collection was stolen FOUR TIMES

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Sharon went on to mention an incident where two housekeepers “robbed us blind” and another situation that was “too painful” to even discuss.

Ozzy and Sharon held a televised press conference in 2004 after burglars broke into their Buckinghamshire home and took their diamond wedding rings and other jewelry, offering a $19,000 reward for the return of the stolen items.

Sharon said at the time: “I’m sure a lot of people will look at us and say, ‘Well, they’ve got more, they can buy it again, there’s more serious things happening in the world, who’s really advertising? ***?’ But the thing is, we worked hard for everything… Everything we have, we worked hard for.”

Ozzy, who struggled with a thief before escaping by jumping from a first-floor window, added: ‘In hindsight it could have been a lot worse. I thank God no one was hurt.”