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SMACKDOWN: FOX News Reporter John Roberts Catches Biden Campaign in a Lie and Brings ALL Receipts (VIDEO) | The Gateway expert




SMACKDOWN: FOX News Reporter John Roberts Catches Biden Campaign in a Lie and Brings ALL Receipts (VIDEO) |  The Gateway expert

The Biden campaign recently accused John Roberts of lying about a Trump-era policy that Biden is trying to take credit for and continues to regret.

Roberts took to the airwaves on Wednesday to refute the Biden campaign’s accusation and brought all the receipts to support his argument.

You can tell from the way Roberts is handling this that he doesn’t think it’s cool what Biden’s people were trying to do here.

Red state reported:

The “Biden-Harris Headquarters,” an official arm of the Biden campaign, faced backlash after claiming Fox News’ John Roberts told a “blatant lie” about Trump and insulin prices. This is what the post, which has still not been deleted or corrected, looked like.

The problem? Their “fact check” is factually untrue, and Roberts was unwilling to set aside the accusation. Instead, he took to the airwaves with a handful of receipts and delivered a takedown of the Biden campaign.

ROBERTS: Yesterday, coming off a segment that mentioned the $35 co-pay for insulin under the Inflation Reduction Act, I noted that in May 2020 I was thinking back to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services declaring that President Trump had had planned to lower the co-pay for insulin to $35. The Biden campaign’s quick response published a message on $35 per month. Fact check: this is a blatant lie.”

But there are receipts that dispute the Biden campaign’s claim about what I said.

Here’s the tweet from the Biden team that started this:

And here’s Roberts’ absolutely brutal response:

Imagine if all media were so vigilant about making sure people know the truth.