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The corrupt conservative SCOTUS is starting to crack as Clarence Thomas admits he should have made trips public




The corrupt conservative SCOTUS is starting to crack as Clarence Thomas admits he should have made trips public

For the first time, Judge Clarence Thomas has admitted that he should have revealed two trips by conservative billionaire Harlan Crow.

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ProPublica reported:
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas acknowledged for the first time in a new financial disclosure filing that he should have publicly reported on two free vacations he received from billionaire Harlan Crow.

The two 2019 trips, one to Indonesia and the other to Bohemian Grove, an all-male retreat in Northern California, were first revealed by ProPublica.

There are so many more issues involving Thomas than two journeys. The Supreme Court judge has reportedly been dependent on wealthy donors for 20 years. The gifts include things like real estate deals, private school tuition and even a luxury RV.

Thomas’ admission that he should have made the trips public is yet another attempt by the justice system to soften a corruption scandal that is only growing as time passes. Judge Thomas thinks he can defuse the scandal by admitting he should have revealed a small part of what he accepted.

Democrats are investigating Thomas’ right-wing friends in the Senate surveillance and investigation legislation has been introduced by Democrats in the House of Representatives.

The storm clouds are growing for the court’s conservative majority. If the Democrats have a successful election in November, Democrats will try to impose ethics and investigative rules, along with reforms to what appears to be a lawless majority on the Supreme Court.