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Trump melts down in Michigan and starts shouting profanities




Trump speaks at a campaign event in Michigan.

Donald Trump couldn’t manage two campaign events in one day when he collapsed in Michigan.

Don’t miss Sarah Jones’ essay on Kristi Noem, titled Predatory The daily.

Trump said:

Think about this. Joe Biden failed at the border. He failed on inflation. He failed on gas prices. He has failed on everything, including Afghanistan. The most cruelly embarrassing day or period in the life of this country, Afghanistan. Remember that disaster? Most embarrassing day. He failed at every thing. Everything he touches turns to sh*t, everything he touches turns out to be bad. He’s not good at policy. He’s no good in the military. He is not good at finances. Our country is collapsing. He’s not good at inflation. Inflation is a disaster. It eats you alive. It is a miracle. Joe Biden and his thugs want so badly to stop us. They know we are the only ones who can stop them. We are the only ones.

You know, when I say “we,” we have a large group of people like this everywhere and we have more voters. I say we have 250 million people. I say we have 250 million people who want our country to be great. Again, the New Emerson survey just came out. We are four points ahead. In Michigan. In another. We’re up seven points and I saw one where we were up by eleven points in Michigan. And why wouldn’t we be? We’re also a leader in every swing state, in every one of them. That is why we must pay attention to the deception. Keep your eyes open, look for the deception. The radical left Democrats are manipulating the 2020 presidential election, but we will not allow them to manipulate the presidential election, the most important day of our lives.

If Trump believes the swing state polls, he is an even bigger idiot than anyone could have imagined. However, Trump is also using the polls to justify his new big lie that after he lost, the 2024 election was stolen from him again.

This massive disaster of a soon-to-be-convicted criminal is the face that Republicans have given to their party to present to the entire country in elections.

Donald Trump embarrassed himself during an earlier campaign stop in Wisconsin, and then spiraled completely out of control in Michigan.

Trump is a mess, and that will only get worse as the campaign progresses, as Donald Trump is already showing that he will do anything to avoid future criminal convictions by returning to the White House.
