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(VIDEO) FBI Director Chris Wray walks away from journalist asking if he wants Congress to reauthorize FISA to spy on Trump’s campaign again | The Gateway expert




(VIDEO) FBI Director Chris Wray walks away from journalist asking if he wants Congress to reauthorize FISA to spy on Trump's campaign again |  The Gateway expert

The months-long battle over the FISA Section 702 reform legislation, introduced by Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) to end baseless surveillance of dissidents from Americans and the Biden administration, and the Intelligence Committee bill to reauthorize the controversial spy tool came to an end Friday when 126 Republicans House Democrats joined Democrats in renewing FISA 702 by a vote of 273 to 147.

The final vote on Section 702 of the Foreign Surveillance Act was 273 to 147, with 126 Republicans in favor of betraying the American people. The legislation now heads to the Democratic-led Senate, where it will likely pass and then be signed into law by Joe Biden.

This legislation allows U.S. agencies to monitor foreign targets abroad, but has come under scrutiny for its implications and past abuses in surveilling U.S. citizens. The vote showed a one-party alliance: 147 Democrats and 126 Republicans supported the bill, while 88 Republicans and 59 Democrats opposed it.

Section 702 was planned expired on April 19.

Shortly before final passage, the House rejected a common-sense amendment from Rep. Andy Biggs that would have required a warrant to spy on Americans. 86 Republicans voted for authoritarianism, with Speaker Mike Johnson casting the deciding vote.

This is despite official intelligence documents showing that the FBI has illegally used FISA 278,000 times to spy on Americans, including their political enemies like President Trump, Trump donors, and January 6 families.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, less than 24 hours after the bill passed the House, Chairman Johnson said posted on X about America’s founding principles – after giving the regime the power to spy on any American at will! Many see what he did as a betrayal of Americans and contempt for the U.S. Constitution, and “ratioed” him with 3500+ comments and alone 1400 holds.

Thanks to Mike Johnson and the RINOs, the FBI has renewed the authority to spy on Trump and innocent Americans, as they previously did in the run-up to the 2024 election.

Congressman Eli Crane (R-AZ) told The Gateway Pundit in December that he believes the federal government will abuse the FISA authority and re-weapon it against Trump “at a moment’s notice.”

“I believe they might be spying [Trump] in a heartbeat” – Rep. Eli Crane discusses the need for a FISA 702 overhaul, sponsored by Rep. Andy Biggs

“Every time you try to change things here in Washington DC, the fearmongers always come out and start threatening people. I think Speaker Johnson fell prey to that,” Crane said after House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) canceled a House vote on FISA reform legislation late last year.

Loomer Unleashed correspondent Charles Downs confronted silent FBI Director Chris Wray last week about the FBI’s election interference.

Watch below:

Would you like to reauthorize? #FISA thus the FBI can he spy on President Trump’s campaign again?

Do you want the Trump Campaign again?