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Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin thinks Trump can work with the state in 2024: ‘It looks like it’s in play’ | The Gateway expert




Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin thinks Trump can work with the state in 2024: 'It looks like it's in play' |  The Gateway expert

Recent polls have suggested that Trump and Biden are currently tied in Virginia. This is big news because a Republican hasn’t helped Virginia win a presidential race since 2004.

Biden won the state in 2020 and Hillary Clinton carried the state in 2016.

Could that change this year? Virginia’s Republican governor, Glenn Youngkin, seems to think so.

Fox news reports:

Governor says Trump could become the first Republican presidential candidate in 20 years to win his state

It’s been twenty years since a Republican took Virginia into the race for the White House.

You have to go back to then-President George W. Bush, who won the Commonwealth during his 2004 re-election victory.

Democrats have won the state in four consecutive presidential elections, including President Biden’s 10-point victory over Donald Trump four years ago when he won the White House.

But GOP Gov. Glenn Youngkin thinks the former president has a very good chance of ending the Republican losing streak in Virginia as Trump faces Biden in a 2024 election rematch this fall.

“Let’s start by thinking about where we were in 2020 when Joe Biden won Virginia by 10 points, and the fact that we’re having this discussion is a huge turn of events,” Youngkin said in a Fox News Digital interview earlier this week in New Orleans when he attended a Republican Governors Association (RGA) conference.

Youngkin emphasized that “we’re here in June and there’s still a lot of water to pass under the bridge, but it looks like Virginia is in play and that’s pretty exciting.”

Even the FOX News poll, which for some reason always seems to lean left, has Trump tied with Biden in Virginia.

Virginia will be a state to watch on election night. When asked about Trump, it could be the whole game.