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Weak and declining Trump holds less than five minutes of fake press conference with no questions asked




Trump talks to the press after meeting with Republican Senators.

In a sign of Trump’s continued decline, he held an event billed as a press conference with Republican senators that lasted less than five minutes and during which he took no questions.

Watch the whole sham:

Trump said in part:

I just wanted to say that we have great unity. We have a lot of common sense, a lot of smart people in this room and a lot of people who love our country, more than anything else. And the only thing that may replace this is their family and perhaps in some cases their faith. And that’s great, but they want this country to be great again, and we’re going to make it great again. And so I just wanted to thank the Republican Senate and I also want to thank the House that we met, as you know, with the entire Republican House today and we had a great meeting with them as well.

And there is a great unity, very similar topics, actually different topics, but not so different. And is one thing in common: we want to make America great again, we want to make our country great again, we are a nation in decline, a nation in decline, we are a nation left behind around the world. we have a leader that remains around the world and we are going to turn that around. We’re going to turn it around quickly.

When the presumptive presidential candidate has to organize events and declare that the party is united, it is certain that the party is definitely not united.
Convicted felon Trump has pulled off the same scam he’s been using for nearly a decade, telling the press he’s holding a press conference to get the cameras out, then walking away and not answering questions.

The content of what Trump said in those four short minutes revealed a candidate who can barely communicate and is in decline.

What is Trump’s message? He has none, except to rant about how terrible America is and how much better it will be if he becomes president again.

That is it.

The political pundit class wants to talk about Biden’s age, but the weak and tired Trump can’t last five minutes at an event where he refuses to answer questions.