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“You lie… You lie about the law!” – George Conway Melts as GOP Strategist Predicts Trump’s Conviction Will Backfire on Democrats (VIDEO) |




Credit: CNN YouTube screenshot

As the Gateway Pundit reported, the rigged New York City jury convicted President Trump on ALL 34 charges in the case of Alvin Bragg and corrupt Judge Juan Merchan on Thursday afternoon.

A giddy Merchan saluted the jurors for their “dedication and hard work” after one of the greatest travesties of justice in American history. The next step is the sentencing phase on July 11, when Merchan will have the opportunity to throw Trump behind bars.

What should have been a joyous day for Kellyanne Conway’s ex-husband George, one of America’s most disgraced defectors, went awry Friday morning during an appearance on CNN. He lost his entire mind when one of the few worthy voices on the left-wing network, Republican strategist Scott Jennings, dared to to suggest that the Democrats’ tactics would backfire on them.

An enraged Conway began shouting for several minutes that Jennings was lying, falsely claiming that all the corrupt NYC jury needed to do was discover an “underlying crime.” Things got worse for Conway when a stunned Jennings asked what crime Trump had committed.

The meltdown was so complete that the deranged Conway even accused CNN of paying Jennings to lie, prompting liberal host Kasie Hunt to come to Jennings’ defense. Once she did that, she finally shut the fool down.

WATCH (the meltdown starts at 5:40):

Conway: I have to say, I mean, look, I mean, you know, Scott lies. And that’s the problem with the Republican Party. It is constantly addicted to lies.

Jennings: Wait a minute. What am I, what am I what? What am I lying to?

Conway: You’re lying! You’re lying, Scott, you’re lying about the law! You’re lying about what the jury was supposed to find. They don’t have to find an underlying crime. They had to find the intent to cover up an underlying crime! And the underlying crime was quite clear.

Jennings: What was the crime?

Conway: You’ve run for public office, Scott! You’ve run for public office, Scott! You know, you can’t take money from someone and pay him or her back, like you know, if it’s a campaign… You damn well know that! And you are…

Jennings (chuckling): I’ve never run for public office.

Conway: Fine. Well, you… you’re close enough. To know that, you are involved in politics. Okay. So the problem with the Republican Party is that it is steeped in lies. I don’t know why this network pays Scott to say these lies! Oh.

Hunt: Whoa, whoa. Okay. Please let’s not go there.

Conway: No, no, no, we gotta go…

Hunt: Scott is our colleague and we are going to treat him respectfully as such. Get on.