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Joe Rogan disputes media narrative about Trump’s ‘carnage’ comment




Joe Rogan disputes media narrative about Trump's 'carnage' comment

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After the “corporate media” tried to manipulate Donald Trump’s “carnage” comment about the health of the US auto industry as a call for violence, Joe Rogan refused to accept their story.

Rogan stated this during an interview with author and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt.

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Why people don’t trust corporate media: Joe Rogan

Rogan brought up how the media lied about Trump’s controversial “massacre” comment, saying that’s why people don’t trust the mainstream media.

The popular one podcaster said: “It’s actually important to highlight how not only inaccurate, but how deceptive the media was in their portrayal of what he said, and that they are taking this quote out of context and trying to say that a civil war will break out if he doesn’t get elected, and that’s not what he was talking about at all.”

“It’s so disturbing that, first of all, they think they can get away with it in this day and age, with all the criticism and with social media and with all the independent journalists that exist now, which is one of the most important. of the more interesting things about the decline of corporate media,” he added.

Rogan went on to praise “real ones” – journalists like Matti Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald.

“The loss of trust,” Rogan said. “Trust in the corporate media is at an all-time low, so this has led to an increase in the number of truly independent journalists. The real ones out there. The Matt Taibbis and Glenn Greenwalds, the people who are really just trying to say, ‘what’s really going on and what are the influences behind these things and why are these things happening?’

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Rogan and Haidt then watched a video of Trump’s speech in Dayton, Ohio. During the speech he said there would be a “bloodbath” if he is not elected. Trump was undoubtedly talking about the American auto industry and what could happen to it if Joe Biden is re-elected.

Haidt summarized Trump’s argument as “if I don’t win, the country is over.”

Rogan disagreed, saying, “Yes, but what he’s talking about is the undermining of our economy and the undermining of our democracy, that we’ll never have elections again. I don’t think he’s saying it will be a bloodbath in terms of a civil war.”

“He says the economy will be destroyed,” Rogan said.

“It’s an unfortunate term. I don’t think he’s saying it’s a civil war,” he added.

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