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Recent focus groups suggest NO ONE likes Kamala Harris or wants her to take over | The Gateway expert




Recent focus groups suggest NO ONE likes Kamala Harris or wants her to take over |  The Gateway expert

No one wants Kamala Harris to run for president or take over from Joe Biden, recent focus groups in Arizona and California have confirmed.

Who could possibly listen to that miserable laugh or listen to her incomprehensible word salads for four years.

This confirms something that Democrats have been struggling with for months. Harris is even less popular than Joe Biden. This is why she cannot come to their aid in the 2024 elections.

Fox news reports:

Focus Group of Voters Offers ‘Bold’ View of Vice President Harris: Not ‘Someone I Want to Run My Country’

Multiple voter focus groups in Arizona have spoken out about Vice President Harris ahead of the November election, and their responses reinforced the idea that she is an unpopular candidate, according to a report in The Los Angeles Times.

Days after Harris spoke in Arizona on April 12, the political group Republican Voters Against Trump invited the station to watch videos of interviews with three different voter focus groups: one of former Trump 2016 voters who voted for Biden in 2020, one of Black voters disappointed with Biden, and another of “California Democrats.”

The Times reported the views of the crossover voters, stating: “Their assessments were brutal. If she helps Biden, you won’t see it. She rubs me the wrong way. She was chosen because she is a demographic. The great things she had, she failed.”

The other two groups, while less hostile to Harris, were not complementary to her. “In a focus group of Black voters disappointed with Biden, no one raised their hands in support of Harris, with one participant calling her ‘the bad news bear,’” the report said.

This woman, who does a great impression of Harris, imagined what an Oval Office speech from her would sound like.

It’s a funny impression, but it’s still horrifying to think that Harris is in charge.