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Tulsi Gabbard said she rejected the offer to become vice president of RFK Jr. to be rejected




Tulsi Gabbard said she rejected the offer to become vice president of RFK Jr.  to be rejected

Gage Skidmore/Creative Commons

Tulsi Gabbard once ran for president as a Democrat, a move that put her politics on the national map.

Now, she has since left her old party and there were reports that the independent-minded Gabbard could align herself with the most popular independent presidential candidate currently running, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Now Gabbard says the offer was extended, but she turned it down.

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Tulsi Gabbard: ‘I respectfully declined’

According to told the New York Post: “Gabbard, 42, who left the Democratic Party in 2022 not long after her failed presidential bid, did not elaborate on why she chose not to take the opportunity.”

“I met Kennedy several times and we became good friends,” Gabbard told ABC News.

The story continues:

“He asked if I wanted to be his running mate. After careful consideration, I respectfully declined.”

Her name was tossed around his Veepstakes rumor mill for months as a potential candidate, alongside former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers and others.

Ultimately, the Kennedy scion went with a largely unknown figure: Silicon Valley attorney Nicole Shanahan, 38, who had been a key backer of his presidential bid.

Shanahan is the ex-wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin, the 10th richest person on the Bloomberg Billionaire Index. She funded a controversial Super Bowl ad for Kennedy earlier this year.

Like Gabbard, Kennedy ran for president for the first time this cycle as a Democrat, but it quickly became clear that the Biden campaign and the Democratic National Committee were at odds. They would not allow Kennedy and fellow Democratic White House candidate Marianne Williamson to debate Biden, or even allow the traditional selection process.

Even though Kennedy reached double figures in some polls.

Biden would be the Democratic candidate in 2024. Period of time.

That’s why Kennedy switched his party affiliation to Independent in October.

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Kennedy campaign acknowledges that talks took place

According to a source close to Team Kennedy, it was confirmed that “there were definitely meetings, but it didn’t work out.”

“We’ve spoken to a number of people,” the source continued. “Tulsi is a rock star no matter what.”

Yes, that’s her. And the former member of the House of Representatives, who now rails against “warmongers” in both parties, won’t be going away anytime soon.

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