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LAUGHTER: MSNBC’s Morning Joe Accuses New York Times Polls of Pro-Trump Bias (VIDEO) | The Gateway expert




Joe Scarborough and Mika Panicked That Pro-Hamas College Campus Protests Will Get Trump Elected (VIDEO) |  The Gateway expert

A recent New York Times poll was full of good news for Donald Trump and MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough just can’t handle it.

This week, he even accused the New York Times poll of pro-Trump bias. Does anyone believe that to be true?

Scarborough’s tirade was just theater. He knows Joe Biden watches the show, so he makes arguments he knows Biden wants to hear.

NewsBusters provides a transcription:

HEILEMANN: I’m not saying it’s not close. I’m not going to compromise the New York Times or the methodology of this poll. I would keep going back to what I’m trying to say every time we talk about these things. That is, what I’m really interested in – and I know you know this. What do the polls show to give us direction about the race?

SCARBOROUGH: I understand. However, there is a difference with the New York Times/Siena poll, and you know it. It has had a disproportionate impact. This year, this cycle, the cycle is extremely skewed towards Donald Trump. [Heilemann tries to speak.]

Hold on. And the New York Times is feasting on it with clickbait stories, a dozen at a time.

HEILEMANN: And I, what I try to focus on is what I think people should pay attention to [tries to continue]–

SCARBOROUGH: — [Interrupting] But what I’m trying to focus on is that the New York Times is actively shaping election cycles right now, with this poll coming out on Sunday, and on Monday people saying, oh – and I heard it! And I’m sitting there, don’t be stupid.

That’s why we do this. [Heilemann tries to respond. Scarborough shouts.]

Watch the video:

Scarborough is simply delusional, as are most of his MSNBC colleagues.