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RNC election integrity attorney charged with election crimes




Trump's lawyers need lawyers

Christina Bobb, the RNC’s election integrity attorney, was indicted on criminal charges related to the false Arizona election.

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The defendants appeared in court in Phoenix in person and virtually on Tuesday. Giuliani, who appeared without an attorney, called and told the judge that he did not have a copy of the indictment but that he was “generally familiar with the allegations from reading them in the newspapers.” He pleaded not guilty.

Others charged Tuesday include former Arizona Republican Party Chairman Kelli Ward and Christina Bobb, who was a 2020 campaign adviser for Trump and is now an “election integrity” attorney for the Republican National Committee. They all pleaded not guilty.

Rudy Giuliani is the big headliner in this group, but it’s incomprehensible that the Republican National Committee’s “election integrity” attorney is facing criminal charges for election-related crimes, and it doesn’t even cause a ripple in mainstream media coverage.

People who tried to steal the last election for Donald Trump have been elevated within the Republican National Committee and the media isn’t even blinking.

The same corporate media that treats democracy like the American people don’t care if they lose their freedoms. The same people who tried to steal the last election and who were criminally charged are lining up to do the same thing again, and the media is collectively shrugging at this reality.

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