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Commie Pope Francis meets pro-abortion comedians and says their jokes ‘make God smile’ | The Gateway expert




Commie Pope Francis meets pro-abortion comedians and says their jokes 'make God smile' |  The Gateway expert
Whoopi Golberg meets Pope Francis.

On Friday morning, Commie Pope Francis met with 100 comedians from around the world, including pro-abortion death cult cheerleaders Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon and Whoopi Goldberg, and told them that their jokes “make God smile.”

In his address to the chamber said Red Francis said: ‘I look with respect at you artists who express themselves in the language of comedy, humor and irony. How much wisdom there is!”

He continued: “Of all the professionals working in television, film, theatre, print media, in song, on social media, you are among the most loved, sought after and applauded. Especially because you are good; but there is also another reason: you have and cultivate the gift of making people laugh.

“Remember this,” he added, “if you manage to bring an intelligent smile from the lips of even one spectator – this is not heresy, I will say now! – you also make God laugh.”

“Humor does not offend, does not humiliate or pin people on their mistakes,” the Pope claimed. “Although contemporary communication often evokes contradictions, you know how to bring together different and sometimes even opposing realities.”

“We still have so much to learn from you! Laughing humor is never ‘at’ anyone, but is always inclusive, purposeful and evokes openness, sympathy and empathy.”

Lifesite Reports that ‘heterodox Father James Martin, who used to be dubbed the “chaplain” from Stephen Colbert’s vulgar, left-wing “The Colbert Report” was also present at the event.

Lifesite also shares that Colbert, a self-declared Catholic, is a strong supporter of abortion in a clear violation of Catholic teaching. Him too promoted a Netflix series that sexualizes and features children Jesus mocked.

Stephen Colbert meets Pope Francis.

Whoopi Goldberg, another abortion cheerleader, claimed that killing babies in the womb is “not mentioned” in the Ten Commandments.

In a slip-up on The View, Goldberg admitted that abortion kills a child when discussing who should decide on abortions, shouting, “My doctor, myself and my child!”

That’s right, Whoopi. They are children.

Jimmy Fallon has done that continuously too attacked pro-life policies and pro-life advocates on his late night show.

Jimmy Fallon meets Pope Francis.

Martin shared photos and commentary from the event on X.