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GANG OF LOSERS: G7 meeting shows the decadence of the globalist world order | The Gateway expert




GANG OF LOSERS: G7 meeting shows the decadence of the globalist world order |  The Gateway expert
Sunak, VDL, Trudeau, Biden, Abe, Meloni, Michel, Macron and Scholz – what a bunch of losers!

The Group of Seven was established as an intergovernmental political and economic forum formed by the major Western powers after World War II.

It consists of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. Lately, the European Union, as an “unnamed member”, has also become part of it – with not one, but two unelected members: the President of the European Commission and the President of the European Council.

But as the advent of a multipolar world unfolds, the 2024 G7 meeting in Italy has exposed to the world the sheer decadence of the globalist world order, as represented by the failed leaders in attendance.

To begin with, the EU conflict is highly symbolic of the shift to the right that is taking place around the world.

President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen (VDL) has her job at risk. She was first installed by the European Council – a body that brings together the heads of EU member states, but this time the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, is Von der Leyen’s rival, and he is reportedly plotting revenge at her for her authoritarian behavior.

To win another term, VDL needs 361 votes from the members of the European Parliament, out of a total of 720. But its European People’s Party (EPP) is about to get only 170 votes.

Biden’s cognitive decline is there for all to see.

The only G7 leader on an upward trajectory was the host, Italian right-wing Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

Her party Fratelli d’Italia is trying to form a single faction in the European Parliament with Marine Le Pen’s French National Rally and with Hungarian Victor Orban’s Fidesz party.

CNN euphemistically reported that the image of this year’s G7 member was “not of leaders at the height of their political strength.”

“Instead, the leaders who meet at a luxury resort in Puglia, almost like humans, are weakened at home by elections, scandals or declining influence. Amid the olive trees and swimming pools, the anti-establishment sentiments flowing through Western democracies are creating extraordinarily high stakes for global geopolitics.

Rarely has the annual meeting of the world’s leading economies been so overshadowed by the political fragility of almost all its members. It raises questions about how effective the ‘steering committee of the free world,’ as US President Joe Biden’s aides have dubbed the G7, can actually be amid anger and discontent among its own people.”

Just a week ago, populists, nationalists and right-wing parties dominated the European Parliament elections, and the upcoming critical elections in France and the United States are expected to follow this trend closely.

In this context, the G7 summit may be the weakest gathering of leaders the group has assembled in years – perhaps ever, as the downright decadent globalist group desperately clings to power.

Politics reported:

“France’s Emmanuel Macron and Britain’s Rishi Sunak are both waging snap election campaigns that they called in a last-ditch effort to turn around their flagging fortunes. Germany’s Olaf Scholz was humiliated by far-right nationalists during last weekend’s European Parliament elections and could soon be impeached himself.

Justin Trudeau, Canada’s prime minister for nine years, has spoken openly about quitting his “crazy” job. Japan’s Fumio Kishida is experiencing his lowest personal ratings ahead of a leadership contest later this year. And then there is Joe Biden.”

The demented Democrat is in serious danger of losing not only the election, but also his mind forever.

This image has been making the rounds on the internet and shows the shitshow of the current G7 leadership.

Meanwhile, the Italian Meloni is on a winning streak.

“Two years after coming to power as leader of the far-right Brothers of Italy party, the pugnacious, folksy Tolkien fan from a working-class neighborhood of Rome increased her party’s popular share of the vote in Sunday’s European elections. She is now ready to play a crucial role in shaping the future direction of EU policy in Brussels.”

But Meloni doesn’t lead a superpower. On the international stage, there is only so much Italy, the world’s ninth-largest economy, can do.

As the G7 devises a plan to use Russian assets frozen in Western banks to make a loan to Ukraine, it emerges that this will actually go to US defense companies.

French President Emmanuel Macron has risked everything in the election campaign he calls for, but has little chance of winning.

Macron is now so toxic that even allies in France are staying away from him.

“In Canada, Trudeau once aspired to become ‘dean’ of the G7. Despite the unrest around the world, Trudeau’s office still believes the G7 is functioning “extremely effectively,” with a senior Canadian official saying, “I don’t think the band is on the verge of breaking up.”

But now that the next elections in Canada are looming in October 2025, ‘the sun is also setting on Trudeau’. He is expected to lose in a landslide to Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre.

“In Britain, Sunak is facing a historic defeat for his Conservative Party after fourteen difficult years in power. Polls show the July 4 election will result in a centre-left landslide for opposition leader Keir Starmer, so whatever Sunak says in Puglia this week is likely to raise a polite smile.”

Biden, of course, is a train wreck, and his unprecedented cognitive decline was there for all to see, embarrassing the other leader to no end.

That actually leaves Meloni.

“According to Italian officials, who like others spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters, Meloni will use the summit to advance Italian interests. She also plans to hold talks with EU leaders over who should get the bloc’s top jobs, including the possible reappointment of Ursula von der Leyen as president of the European Commission. To secure a second term, Von der Leyen needs the support of EU leaders like Meloni as well as a majority in the newly elected parliament.”

Meloni is a proponent of investing in African infrastructure to reduce the appeal of mass migration to Europe, while cutting deals with African countries that are trying to effectively block migration.

When the G7 meets again in Canada in 2025, many of the current leaders will be gone, otherwise they will be complete lame ducks. That’s bad news for globalism, and great news for the world.