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How to use a pumice stone for soft, smooth feet: guide




How to use a pumice stone for soft, smooth feet: guide

Taking care of the skin on your feet is just as important as taking care of the skin on the rest of your body. exfoliating and moisturizing routine should reach to your toes. Maintaining soft feet can help eliminate cracked heels and calluses, and a pumice stone is a great exfoliating tool that can help you get there. Here we spoke with Emily Splichal, DPM, Casey Ann Pidich, DPM, and Marisa Garshick, MD, about everything you need to know about pumice stone, how to use it safely, and how often to use this tool in your routine for feet who are soft as ever.

What is a pumice stone?

According to Dr. Splichal is a pumice stone an exfoliating agent that is often used for dry skin and calluses on the feet. “It’s made from natural lava rock that is porous and perfect for removing dead layers of skin,” she says. The rock itself is very lightweight and feels very rough. This texture makes it ideal for exfoliating, says Dr. Pidich.

Does a pumice stone remove cracked heels?

According to the experts, a pumice stone can help remove excess skin, cracked heels or calluses on the ball of the foot. While this tool can be helpful for excessive skin buildup, the experts warn that if you have a very deep crack in your heel or bleeding, you should see a podiatrist for a proper diagnosis.

It is also important to note that when using a pumice stone, avoid areas that may have a fungal infection or plantar warts, as these can contaminate the stone and cause more problems than you expected.

Do you use a pumice stone wet or dry?

Dr. Pidich says you should always wet a pumice stone before exfoliating to reduce friction. A dry stone can be too abrasive and aggressive for the skin and lead to injury. “If a pumice stone is dry, it can potentially cause small cracks, especially if used vigorously on sensitive areas,” explains Dr. Garshick out.

How to use a pumice stone

“Start by soaking your feet in warm, soapy water for 10-15 minutes to soften the skin,” says Dr. Garshick. Then wet the pumice stone and gently rub it over the calluses you want to exfoliate. “Gently debride dry skin until you feel softer skin emerging,” says Dr. Splichal.

The experts agree that the best method for using a pumice stone is to move it in a circular or back and forth motion. “Medium pressure is needed to remove dead skin. However, too much pressure can cause injury or cuts to the skin. It’s a delicate balance and depends on how thick the callus is on your foot,” says Dr. Pidich.

How often should you use a pumice stone?

According to our experts, you should only use a pumice stone once or twice a week. “This frequency helps prevent over-exfoliation and allows your skin to recover between sessions. Using too often can lead to skin irritation, redness, or damage,” says Dr. Garshick.

You should not use a pumice stone on sensitive, broken, or inflamed areas of skin. Furthermore, Dr. Pidich recommends consulting a podiatrist before using a pumice stone if you have diabetes, poor circulation, or are pregnant. It is also crucial to clean your pumice stone and store it in a cool, dry place and wash it after each use. “Make sure you keep the pumice stone as clean as possible, as bacteria can easily get stuck in it. Don’t leave them in the shower where there is a lot of moisture,” adds Dr. Splichal to it.

What to do after using a pumice stone on the feet

After using a pumice stone, rinse your feet thoroughly to remove any remaining dead skin cells and then apply a rich, hydrating moisturizer or foot cream. “The most effective creams for reducing calluses contain urea,” says Dr. Pidich. Urea works to retain skin’s moisture and break down dead skin cells, which works well in combination with a pumice stone. Dr. Splichal also recommends using a foot butter or moisturizing foot mask after exfoliating with a pumice stone, like the Voesh. Solemate heel balm and moisturizing heel socks ($22) or the Patchology Rosé Toes Shea Butter foot mask ($10).

Last takeaway

Pumice stones are a great tool to soften feet and prevent cracked heels and calluses. Use them wet to exfoliate and remove dead skin for a smoother texture on your heels or balls of feet. You can use a pumice stone once or twice a week to ensure proper exfoliation without damaging your feet. Finish your pumice stone treatment with a hydrating foot balm or moisturizing mask to leave you with silky, soft feet.

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