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Rep. Jasmine Crockett is slamming Republicans for welcoming Trump to the Capitol he attacked




Rep. Jasmine Crockett speaks at the Biden impeachment hearing.

Last updated on June 14, 2024 at 12:53 PM

Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) called out Republicans in Congress for inviting Trump to return to the very place he tried to attack on June 1.

Rep. Crockett said in a statement to PoltiicusUSA:

“Three years after waging an ongoing war on our democracy, Donald Trump, a convicted felon, returns to Capitol Hill to hang out with the same MAGA extremists who acted as his proxies on January 6. Trump and his minions have attacked our free and fair elections, they have attacked our peaceful transition of power, and they have attacked our Capitol – and the American people are fighting back at the ballot box to defend democracy. Therefore, in November, in addition to helping elect Hakeem Jeffries as the next Speaker to restore order in the House, voters will send Joe Biden to the White House and send Donald Trump packing.”

Inviting Trump back to the Capitol is part of normalizing convicted felon Trump as a presidential candidate.

It’s clear what the Republicans are trying to do. Republicans in the House of Representatives claim that Trump’s appearance is about uniting the party, when in reality Republicans are trying to create the image of a convicted felon welcoming insurgents into a seat of governance and political power.

The real goal is to spread the image of Trump in the Capitol around the world so that a man who could potentially face prison time appears to be the leader of the United States of America.

Representative Crockett was right. Trump in the Capitol is an insult to democracy, and it shows why the American people should send Trump out of the ballot box and into possibly the big house.

Jason is the editor-in-chief. He is also a White House press pool and congressional correspondent for PoliticusUSA. Jason has a bachelor’s degree in political science. His graduate work focused on public policy, with a specialization in social reform movements.

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